Responses from roberjerman
Blocking the propaganda Dishonesty is rampant in the Audio World! | |
Blocking the propaganda I'd like to see Penn and Teller compare a cheap IC to an expensive one! | |
Blocking the propaganda I bring my own hose to the gas station when I fill up my Bentley! Seems to run better! | |
Blocking the propaganda I had the honor of Mr. Fremer calling me an IMBECILE after I called him out on UTube for promoting (flogging) expensive PC's in Stereophile! | |
What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker? How about my Altec Stonehenge 1's from 1973? If not those, then my Altec Santana1's or my JBL 166's! Play it LOUD! | |
CDs Vs LPs How about this: just won at an EBAY auction two nice LP's of Hendrix's Are You Experienced and Lou Reed's Transformer! $20 + $5 shipping! Original pressings in excellent condition! There are bargains out there! | |
CDs Vs LPs Got a nice copy of the Stone's Get Your Ya Ya's Out LP for a good price and some CD's! | |
CDs Vs LPs Reverb is acting as a hub for various sellers of LP's and CD's. They make it easy to compare prices and availability. I have bought on this site successfully! | |
speaker capacitors-----leave alone or does it open pandora's box ? +1 don_c55! Cap replacement is for the audio neurotics - and is cheaper than going to a therapist! | |
Martin Logan Aerius I panel replacement I have a pair of KLH Nines made about 1970 still playing fine! | |
Tube suggestions for hybrid integrated amp By some US - made 12AU7's. GE, RCA, Sylvania - all fine tubes and quite affordable! | |
Bryston preamps By the way, in one of my current systems I use the .5 with the Bryston 3B amp (1988). Go ahead and laugh! Still working and sounding fine! No compelling urge to change to another amp (in that particular system)! | |
Bryston preamps Stick with Bryston for choices in preamps. They are indeed fine sounding units! Stop being so neurotic! Enjoy what you have! Search for better recordings! | |
Bryston preamps I too own and use a Bryston preamp (among many in my collection). It is the .5 from '88 (go ahead and laugh!). Still working and sounding fine indeed! I also own several tube preamps. But feel no compelling urge to switch from the Bryston .5! | |
Bryston preamps About that "glare in the 7k region" - remember that recording quality (both analog and digital) can vary widely! A "perfect" recording is a rare creature indeed! And one of the best audio equipment designers, James Bongiorno, found recordings so p... |