Responses from roberjerman
Marantz CD-67 SE - Worth Fixing? Those lasers weaken with use! The mechanicals are probably good for decades more of service! You can try sourcing a replacement laser assembly. If you can find one it may need alignment after installation. A competent technician would be required... | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? Who needs wire? I'm going to use troughs of mercury for all signal connections! | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? Taxi Driver! Where's my .44! | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? I'll sooner spend $7K on a white powder from South America than on a friggin piece of wire! | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? "I have come to the conclusion that (fill in your choice) matters!" cables, gravity, the speed of light, Planck's Constant, EMF, today's DJA, Trump's Trade Embargo, who won the last Powerball, Fermat's Last Theorem, the speed of sound in water, wi... | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? In the nether region, eh! | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? "It allows my system to open up in ways that I like..."! Referring to a particular body part, eh! | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? I will channei the spirit of Henry Miller for assistance! | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? Read the post above mine and see if you don't agree! | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? I am writing a novel right now: working title - Cable Pornography! My motivation is the sheer amount of descriptive terms aficionados have thought up for listening to nothing but wire! Me, I'd rather just listen to MUSIC! | |
wyred4sound sx1000 mono blocks .... (not the r) Opinions : I have a vintage pair of Heresy's. They match well with my SE 45 and 2A3 tube amps! Average listening power is under 1 watt! Paul Klipsch said "What the world needs is a good 5 watt amplifier"! He liked the Brooke amp. | |
Dahlquist DQ10 A bargain at that price! Still a superb sounding speaker! And not embarrassed by today's big-buck speakers! I too own a pair with upgraded woofers and x-overs. Plus custom stands and new black grill cloth. The price: $375 - and the seller was only... | |
anti slip for turntable belt ArmorAll applied occasionally to rubber belts will extend their life! | |
carver reciever and power amp +1 lowrider57! The Sunfire amp is another great product from Bob! A real challenger to all the big-bucks boutique amps! |