Responses from roberjerman
Topping Dacs D-50, DX-7, and DX7s The only thing missing is snob appeal! Now where is that extra 0 in the price? | |
Topping Dacs D-50, DX-7, and DX7s Holy cow! For $249 the new challenger climbs into the ring and scores a quick knockout and threatens the big boys! The only thing missing is an extra 0 in the price! Look out Shiit! | |
What the best amplification for JBL S3100? Magnificent SE, old good PP or tight SS? A First Watt F5 will work well with these JBL's. I have this amp for use with my L166's and 4312's! No need for more power! And being Class A it sounds smooth with plenty of low-end grip! | |
What used speakers raraely come up for sale Infinity 2000A's and Monitor 1A's. Great speakers from the early years of Arnie Nudell's company. The 2000A was a 3 way design using a 12 inch woofer, Peerless cone mid and 3 RTR electrostatic tweeters. The Monitor 1A was a 3 way in a taller narro... | |
Best head amp of the market ? The Marcof remains a good alternative to much more expensive SUT's for use with LOMC cartridges. Prices on the second hand market average around $200. I have one and its SQ is quite good, considering its price! The battery supply is a nice feature! | |
How many of us really suffer from AUDIOPHILIA NERVOSA Take it easy man! Smoking some hemp will make any system sound better and is relaxing too! | |
How do Walsh Ohm Speakers compare to Thiels? I have a vintage pair of Ohm Walsh Sound Cylinders that I found at a local GoodWill for $55! And I wouldn't trade mine for any Thiels! They are that good! | |
Classical composers, symphonies How about Schoenberg's Gurre Lieder! An impressive work - and sadly neglected! I remember having the Ozawa BSO version on 2 LP's! The same can be said for his Verklarte Night! | |
What Matters and What is Nonsense K.I.S.S. is a good philosophy to follow! | |
If you have Dynaco MKIII's which speakers ? I have the rare Paoli - modded III's! Justly praised by TAS back in the day - and a favorite of HP! I like to use them with my Quad 57's and DCM Time Windows! Sound quality comparable to today's multi-kilobuck tube amps (paid $1600 for the pair). | |
Dynaco A25 -Hard to Believe David Hafler knew how to make a good speaker at an affordable price! I always liked the A25's for their fine tonal balance (first heard them in 1971). Its competition were the Advents (Large and Small), the AR4's and the Rectilinear Mini-3's.All ... | |
What Matters and What is Nonsense Fancy gear not needed! Buy more good recordings! | |
How To Field Questions About Your Audiophile Lifestyle... 'God! How many speakers do you have in that room" said by my brother! | |
bose 801 speakers Good for PA use, especially stacked! Don't forget to use a good 1000 watt class D amp! | |
Can you ever get perfect alignment? @avanti1960 Thank you, you have nailed it! |