Responses from roberjerman
New Vinyl 300 X $350 = $105,000 - and a nice bit of profit left after production costs! | |
So What Is Real? I too buy wire/cables by how they look and feel! Just like jewelry! Audio jewelry! | |
So What Is Real? "My golden ears told me it is so!" LOL! | |
So What Is Real? +1 mahlman! These cable praisers/wire maniacs are just spewing a bunch of pornographic balderdash! | |
Possible to find a decent mono cartridge under $250? Grado has an excellent mono cartridge for $150. It is a MI (moving iron) and is better sounding than a MM type! It is immune to cable/capacitive loading - unlike MM's! | |
I finally realized wires do matter a LOT. I've already lost two cell phone chargers. The cable breaks at the connector and can't be easily repaired! | |
Love it when it snows "Igor, go fetch me that brain!" "Yes, Master!" - And we all know how that turned out! | |
If Caveman Had Stereo Blue Cheer - Vincebus Eruptum! | |
If Caveman Had Stereo Rockin' out with a pair of big Cerwin Vegas and a Phase Linear 400! | |
Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously. Listen to A Love Supreme! Maybe the pinnacle of spiritual Jazz! | |
You are invited on a "trip down memory lane". And all of the above was sold/lost over time! Now I have replaced some of it: Ariston RD11 TT and a Coral 777 mc cartridge. | |
You are invited on a "trip down memory lane". Mitch Cotter Verion SUT P ! My first (1978) and maybe best SUT! Used it with a GAS Sleeping Beauty (Coral 777) mc cartridge and Lustre GST-1 arm on an Ariston RD11S TT. | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Phaedra by Tangerine Dream! Electronic Music at its best! | |
What is your amp Triad? From the same era: Bryston 3B, GAS Son of Ampzilla and Quad 405. I have all three! They appeared in the late 70's. And are still formidable contenders compared to today's gear! | |
Recommendation for 3' USB cable from ultraRendu to Ayre DX-5 DSD Monoprice! |