
Responses from rockvirgo

Artists 'SELLING OUT' - can we discuss?
Don't trust anybody over thirty. 
May Day May Day
My first very own, not a hand-me-down, record player was a Christmas present at about age 15. It was a GE portable stereo that had two, biggish grey plastic speaker cabinets that snapped onto either side of the silver painted metal turntable/ampli... 
bi wiring
Anyone who asks Why biwire? will eventually get the response: I've yet to hear a reasonable explanation how it could be advantageous. When that explanation is supplied - biwiring isolates the current passing to the different drivers and allows you... 
Parasound or Forte
Get the one with the biggest heat sinks or the one that weighs the most. 
Best inexpensive interconnect/speaker cables?
Try the Linn Analogue Interconnects; it seems they come free with Linn equipment. They're nicely made, 1.2 metres standard length and directional. The black ones list for $80 but sell online new and used for $40 or less. 
Tripping Breakers
Breakers do wear out. FWIW whenever we ran the coffee maker, dish washer and the clothes iron simultaneously it would trip the breaker. Replacing the breaker with one of the same value was the solution. 
220 to 110 coversion - mistake?
On a recent visit to SoCal from the UK we got a Chinese made, 200 watt transformer at Frys Electronics for $30 to run her hair straighteners (rated at 60 watts). It has an on/off switch and another for stepping up or down. Stepped up to 220 from 1... 
Will leaving an amp powered-up all the time...
Some class A/AB amps are designed so the bias adjusts more toward class A (class A = semiconductors on all the time) during warm up, theorectically so they won't sound like junk prior to thermal stabilization. Never heard of cap saturation in a ne... 
Are there speakers like this?
ADS L710 or L810 
Analog experiment
Thanks for the interesting update to your original old AR turntable post. Happy to hear you reached a sensible conclusion in the som,etimes worrisome world of hi-fi. But to be fair, it sounds like you tested the software as much as the equipment -... 
Good and bad w/ replacing stock preamp jumpers?
My guess is because the electrical or conductive properties of cables are measured by the running foot, once the connection length becomes about an inch the properties become a non-issue. But I do understand the temptation to mess about with somet... 
Threshold e-line voltage conversion
Thanks very much Joe. Your recommendation of JS was spot on and a great help. 
Advice on aging Krell CD player
My Theta sputtered but it seems to have been my 25 feet of balanced digital cable. Went back to one meter and no more problems. Digital echo? 
Gene Pitney RIP
second for Town Without Pity...I once had the 45! 
Kimber PBJ versus DNM Reson interconnects
I had PBJ and liked them alot. Drop a $100 for used Kimber Hero.