
Responses from rodman99999

40 watt amp with 8 ohm speakers
If they are they CAM/PRO-32: the efficiency is 90db/1w/1m and 6 ohms nominal. That means your SS NAD(which has a lot of reserve in the power supply anyway) will output slightly more wattage than it's 8 ohm rating. With that efficiency, the speaker... 
Ultra high resolution
Nilthepill- Spiro Gyra, Acoustic Alchemy, Dave Grusin, Lee Ritenour, Mindi Abair, Gerald Albright, Jeff Golub, Al Jarreau, Joe Sample, David Sanborn, George Benson, Luther Vandross, and David Benoit are all in my collection on GRP(either MCA or Ve... 
Advice sought (Garrard Zero 100)
You'll have to decide what cartridge will work well(regarding resonance) with the tonarm's effective mass(hi/med/low compliance), whether it will be MM or MC. If it's MC: what MC head-amp matches the cartridge's output best(hi/med/low gain). The S... 
Ultra high resolution
Dave- I ordered the Tom Scott/Concord from Amazon this morning. 1000 watts/wimpy tubes? I guess I'm spoiled by the pro-practice of active bi-amping. GOTTA have tubes on top though! My room's not big enough to justify that much power($$) for my bot... 
Ultra high resolution
I'll find one today Dave! Nathan East plays on 5 of the 11 cuts on "Twist"- need I say more? I do believe we've hijacked a thread Dave. Sorry y'all!! Then again- Your bottom has to be resolved as well to hear everything that's going on down there,... 
Is the moscode 600 a great amplifier?
Replace the tubes with either Siemens E188CC/7308 or CCa, and the sound will be transformed greatly. Then there's the upgrade path as well: ( People don't ususally bother with modding products that ... 
Ultra high resolution
One caveat Dave: If you listen at realistic SPLs, and have woofers with output in the bottom octave(20 to 40hz on CDs anyway):turn the volume down a bit for cuts #4 and #8. If the CD doesn't generate some serious toe-tappin': check your pulse!! Ha... 
Ultra high resolution
Dave- I'll bet you'd enjoy 'A Twist of Motown' on GRP(if you don't already have it). Lee Ritenour produced it(a lot of contemporary jazz greats doing a collection of motown standards). On a couple cuts the bass can get a tad heavy, but other than ... 
Help with finding ultra-transparent pre-amp
Sashav- I should have included this with my last post, RE: Availablility of a balanced Placette. Read the last two paragraphs on page one of this review:( You may want to download and check out this review ... 
Help with finding ultra-transparent pre-amp
Sashav- I used the Placette Passive Linestage for few years. The Placette Passives(you may already know) use no attenuator at all. They are a resistor ladder, built exclusively of Vishay Bulk Foil resistors(virtually invisible in an audio circuit)... 
Ultra high resolution
Dave- If you play a lot of gigs, you can probably tell the difference between Zildjians and Sabians when listening to a good system. Likewise- Can probably appreciate a soundman that knows what a Les Paul(or Strat, etc.) are supposed to sound like... 
Ultra high resolution
Nilthepil- For vinyl: Crystal Clear, MFSL, Telarc Digital, Sheffield Labs, Audioquest, Groove Note, just about anyone that bothered/bothers to press on virgin, or extra thick vinyl from original master tapes, and a lot of the Columbia Masterworks ... 
Ultra high resolution
I believe everyone in here will probably have a different idea/perspective/angle/semantic use for the term, "resolution". I get to hear live music twice a week, both amplified and acoustic as a sound tech. That requires me to hear the instruments/... 
Speaker cable for B&W 703's
Here's somone selling two pair of 7' 4TC cables: ( 
Speaker cable for B&W 703's
Use the same cable(and same length) for both top and bottom. Mixing cables when passively biamping can result in freq. response problems. Kimber's 4TC and 8TC have been around, and very popular, for a long time. It's hard to beat their performance...