Responses from rodman99999
It's the Cicadas! @simao - I've been screaming for sex for years now, but my wife always says it's the cicadas. Stop screaming and try being a cunning linguist*. * SHE'S supposed to do the screaming! ... | |
An argument for fuses and maybe power cables in power amplifier @asvjerry - OH, and: Thenk you, Dr. Whiplash..... ;) Yu're welcome, I thynk? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | |
An argument for fuses and maybe power cables in power amplifier @asvjerry - They know What is What BUT They Don't Know What is What It just suks Funny! AND: a snowflake had me deleted, just recently, for saying, "it's like teaching a box of rocks, to sort your socks!", ... | |
An argument for fuses and maybe power cables in power amplifier The why after market power cords make a difference? Lots of theory... Actual testing using testing equipment? Just my ears. I don’t watch oscilloscope screens or listen to test tones. Just music, using my ears. ... | |
An argument for fuses and maybe power cables in power amplifier btw: I'm not disagreeing with any postings, prior to mine, in this thread. ie: everything in the power supply/AC source is in the signal path*. *In every gain s... | |
An argument for fuses and maybe power cables in power amplifier Back in March 2022: a thread about power cords and break/burn-in was started. I hate to type, so: I'm going to copy/paste some of my speculations. That a highly complex musical signal, MIGHT affect Poynting vectors and signal spee... | |
An argument for fuses and maybe power cables in power amplifier A rewind: Anyone needing a rationale for experimenting with new cables in their system and/or feeling dissuaded by the Church of Denyin'tology's antiquated electrical doctrin... | |
A stupid question(s) about power cords ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Another runway builder, to be disregarded! Enjoy experimenting with your systems and enhanced musical pleasure, @immatthewj (et al). I do believe tha... | |
New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound? @dentdog - KUDOS, to another experimenter, for trusting their ears and senses! Rewarding, isn't it? Enjoy your systems and music! | |
New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound? @ps- KUDOS, for experimenting with your system's sound/trusting your ears & senses. Supra follows some of the same basic science/construction as I've mentioned, if you've read their explanation, as to why their PCs sound better* ... | |
Meter for measuring cable capacitance @ajd7531 - One nice thing about Amazon: if it doesn't work for you, whatever the reason, you can return it. | |
must you play music to break in tubes @steakster, @glennewdick & @larryi- +1 Had the conversation with Brent Jessee, years back, about a 40's,Tung-Sol Round Plate. He had me GENTLY tap the the base, tube held vertically, on ... | |
ABX testing with AQ Dragon power cords WELL: the Cargo Cult's building another runway. Time for a rewind: Cargo cult science is a pseudoscientific method of research that favors evidence that confirms an assumed hypothesis. In con... | |
ABX testing with AQ Dragon power cords "substantive facts" ? Inescapable FACT: No one understands exactly how electricity works. That’s why there’s so much Electrical THEORY. The number of Wiki-Scientists on these pages... | |
ABX testing with AQ Dragon power cords @dwcda - Yet still you’re pissed off at me for documenting these experiences. I am? 🤣 |