ProAc D20R vs Totem Forest Signature

Does anyone have experience with these two brands? I am thinking of upgrading my Forest to the ProAc D20R. My Totems are great but have also liked ProAc but at the time Totem was the only thing available where I lived. I have heard the 2.5s and owned the Tablette 2000 many years ago but never heard the new Proac so don't know if this will be any better.


The 2.5 were great at the time. They were very inefficient (I think they tested out at about 83 db) but also had very deep bass capability. The d-40r doesn’t go as deep, but has plenty of bass. The highs and midrange in the d-40r is quite superior to the 2.5. I have owned both speakers and had them in house at the same time.

I would look for a used pair of d-40r. They provided a significant upgrade to the 2.5.

If you have a small room I would look for the d-30r. 

I have heard both the speakers, but at different place and time. So cannot really compare directly. But the listening impression with the ProAc D30RS was so impressive that I decided to go with ProAcs. The new ProAcs are absolutely not bass shy. I listened to the "Thanks to you" by Boz Scaggs and the speakers did not seem bass shy.

Eventually I went with the D48R model that I currently own and love listening to at every opportunity I get. ProAcs seems to get that midrange so right. And I am with @jperry on D30RS and small room.

Hi, I have a bigger room but also use a Rel sub that gives me plenty bass so was wondering if the D20R would be as good or better than my current Forest. Thanks for the responses.

If you are using a sub, then the D20R will thrill you a lot. Make sure to go with the ribbon tweeters. They produce uncanny minds and realism. 

Thanks for your input I am considering getting the ProAcs not sure if should get the 20 or 30s now.