Responses from roxy54
Risk in owning used McIntosh amps? From one who has owned several different Macs for over 30 years, I will guess that you won't be having them serviced much-if ever.I bought 2 used. Great Amps. | |
Great jazz and Rock unknown GEMS Share yours Ditto the Blodwyn Pig! Great disc.Some of my picks, all very different, but great.October Project-Falling Farther InGraham Parker- Mona Lisa's SisterJellyfish- BellybuttonStan Getz- AnniversaryRoxy Music- For Your Pleasure | |
Dynaudio Sapphire vs Revel Studio2 The advantage of the off-axis behavior of the Revels may not be an advantage if you are usually listening by yourself. The other thing to consider is the type of music that you listen to. You mention the Dyn being better for jazz- does that make u... | |
Efficient floorstndrs. to reach above furniture Coincident Partial Eclipse or Total Eclipse if you can fine a pair for 4 grand. Both sound great, are very efficient, and I don't see a need to buy a new amp. Good Luck. | |
Spendor s3/5 upgrade recommendation? Mlsstl, I agree with you. I think that what I wanted to communicate was that members who own speakers that they really like can quite possibly improve their performance by upgrading the crossovers. It isn't that the manufacturers did anything wron... | |
Spendor s3/5 upgrade recommendation? I respectfully disagree with the above posts. I just completed a complete rebuild of the crossovers in my Spendor 9/1 speakers. They were built in 1995 before high quality audiophile caps etc. were commonplace. I opened them originally to add a de... | |
High efficiency speakers for Shindo I would recommend the Spendor SP100, because it is efficient, and it has a pretty flat impedance curve that shouldn't give the low powered amp troubles. It sounds great, especially timbre-wise if that is important to you. They aren't the first cho... | |
Three Cheers for Pass Labs Several of you had questions that I will try to answer.To begin with, I have not received the amp yet, they are still working on it- I am very anxious to hear it. I am not at all versed on how one would check the bias, but Nelson said it is not a ... | |
THE08: Room: 1508: comments The Harbeth monitor 40 that you are referring to are the best speakers that I have ever heard, and like most people who visit this site, I have owned quite a few and heard many others. I can't even imagine how they could sound better, but what you... | |
The best speaker you ever heard? The most perfectly satisfying speaker that I have ever listened to is ther Harbeth Monitor 40. Despite the many far more expensive systems that I have auditioned in the past, these were the first that were above criticism- they just play music. | |
Presenting some Harbeth SHL5 in room measurements I had a chance to listen to the Harbeth Monitor 40s with the Jeff Rowland 201 digital amps a year or so ago for about 2 hours at Audio Connection in Verona NJ. The source was a Cary cdp. I can't say what they would have sounded like with tubes, or... | |
Pass X-250.5 or McIntosh MC402? I have a long (35 year) history of using McIntosh amplifiers. Of course I have bought and borrowed a number of others in an effort to find something "better". I recently sold my McIntosh MC 300 and bought a used Pass Labs 250.0. I read so much abo... | |
Midrange Better Than Harbeth or Spendor? I used to own a pair of ProAc Response 1 speakers that I bought, mostly because I thought that the midrange was very good- God knows it wasn't because of their bass performance ! Within their dynamic limits- which were really surprising considerin... | |
I envy what you know, not what you have I have certainly been directed towards, as well as away from certain components by knowlegable members with first hand experience. I have also learned of cost effective tweeks. Best example- Deflex panels behind the woofers in my Spendor SP100s. V... | |
Possibly the best pre-amp one can have I would like to remind those interested that the Morrison Elad preamp is based on an opamp and also has a verty solid seperate power supply. I have been usuing one happily for 4 years, although I have no idea of how it stacks up against the curren... |