
Responses from rrog

McCormack DNA 1 Rev A Mono blocks WOW
For being 20 years old? Did you think new amplifier designs were invented in the last 20 years? Many audiophiles are finding vintage equipment is better than what is made today. There is some good newer equipment, but you will have to take out a s... 
pre/power matching?
You can be sure of having a perfect match if you use the same brand of amp and preamp. Not only will you have an electrical match, but you will also have a sonic match. I have mixed amps and preamps on many occasions and came up with some interest... 
ideas for purchase, please
It's not likely you will get warm sound in that room. 
Building a house with dedicated stereo room-advice
Shouldn't you be consulting professionals instead of asking for advice here? 
Why no as many post about music vs equipment......
Coffee, Drugs and alcohol are prohibited on this site. 
Darwin Cables Recommended by StereoMojo
Quicksilver Audio, the makers of some of the finest tube electronics, offers pure silver interconnects for $100. 
What Amp with KEF 105.2?
I owned KEF 105/2 speakers many years ago. You need a high quality amplifier to control that large woofer. After trying several amplifiers I settled on a Krell KSA 80B. It was also a good match for the KEF's laid-back sound quality. Also, those he... 
CD cleaning question
Agree with Zd542, Keep your CDs clean. Dust, finger prints and scratches degrade the sound quality. 
My PS Audio Duet Power Center Stopped working
How does your system sound without it? 
Leben CS300 tube amplifer without load / speakers
You have severely stressed the output tubes by turning the amplifier on without a load. 
the viability of hi end companies
I also think about this often. Look at an Orion Blue Book or an old Audio Magazine Equiment Directory and see how many companies are still in business. Stereo companies have always come and gone. You can blame it on the economy, however, these com... 
how much is my Perreaux worth ?
No bluebook is perfect and Audiogon's bluebook only takes Audiogon sales into consideration. However, the bluebook is most likely more accurate than the opinions on this forum. Just because one person sold a Perreaux 3150 does not mean it is an in... 
how much is my Perreaux worth ?
You joined Audiogon to find out the value of your equipment? Buy a subscription to the Audiogon Bluebook. 
what would you do?
This is the 3rd post on this subject in 2 days. I have known Upscale Audio to be a fair and honest business. I recommend you discuss your complaint with Kevin. 
need raplacement driver for watt puppy 6
Wilson Audio