
Responses from rsf507

What is the best premp for Atma-Sphere MA-1 3.3 amp?
Atmasphere MP3 would be perfect match for an Atmasphere amp. I find the 6SN7 tubes in any pre to sound fantastic. I've been using an MP3 for a while without a hiccup. 
Customs fees Canada = > USA
I’ve had items (cables, roller blocks and platforms) shipped to me from Canada and I’ve shipped into Canada via USPS and never had Customs fees applied. Shipping via Canada post the same.  
Best Analog for $10K
How about a Kuzma Stabi and Stogi S arm with a Kuzma cartridge. Add a Gold Note PH-10 for it’s flexibility (and sound) and you come in way under 10K. 
Phono Preamp
+1 @papafrgog 
DAC plus Preamp or DAC-Preamp or DAC-Volume Control ?
Bricasti M12 which is a full function pre that includes their M1-SE dac. 
Phono Preamp
I’ve said it in many threads but the Gold Note PH-10 is such a versatile phono unit and sounds GREAT! You can find them new at well below $1500 and worth every cent IMO. 
Looking for perspectives
Curious since you said you can or will use your Bricasti M1 direct into amp does this mean you only do digital? Yes the Bricasti M28 monos are VERY expensive but have you ever heard their stereo amps?  
Looking for perspectives
I know you didn't mention this but since you own the Bricasti M1 why not get one of Bricasti's amps? They match perfectly with your M1. Just a thought. 
Sound Labs Wins!
Mike I agree the Bricasti room at Axpona was one of my favorites as well. 
Sound Labs Wins!
@mijostyn can you tell us the entire system? Which Bricasti amp? Did they play vinyl? What DAC?Thanks 
Audio Truisms or Plinthy statements
Wow that viola sounds just like a violin!  
What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
Agree with @soundsrealaudio that it was a Bricasti amp but the qualifier is the speakers and amp have to be synergistic.  
Solid State Preamp Under $8000
@teeshot nice comparison and glad you like the Christine. I'm very close to pulling the plug on one myself that's listed on the Asylum but have to sell something first.  
Sonus Faber peeling leather
+1 @elizabeth 
A21 vs McCormack?
McCormack for sure.