
Responses from rsf507

Acoustic Zen owners/impressions
Crescendo 2 are good but for the same money Sanders 10e are in a different league IMO.Robert Lee sells direct so can usually get a good price.  
What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?
Old pricing either the passive or active is $2500 this does not include the compressor. Yes still expensive but take a look at different feet that can easily cost more.  
What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?
@geoffkait just a small correction the Vibraplane isolation stand is $2500 not $3000 as you stated in a previous thread.  
Phono preamp
What do you consider inexpensive? Under $1500? Under $1000? Under $500? Should it contain both MM & MC sections? 
Demo'd a few sets of speakers over the past 2 weeks...
@bstatmeister have you heard of Tri-Art Audio? I heard these open baffle speakers at Axpona and they truly amazed me and at a price around the 5K mark. Just something to keep your eyes out for. They are on my short list to demo again. 
Bricasti M3
Are there any end users who bought this new DAC? Your thoughts?Seems like a nice alternative. 
Best phono player for newbie with good 2 ch system
If you have a solid stand you can't go wrong with a Kuzma Stabi-S IMHO. 
Parasound A21+ or Emotiva XPA-DR2
I heard a Gold Note P-1175 (?) vs the A21 and thought the Gold Note had more detail and a LOT more foot tapping (musicality) than the A21  
Anyone hear Vivid Audio Speakers? Considering Vivid Giya G1 Series 2 from Magico S5 MKII
Not that I could afford either speaker but have heard both the Magico and Vivid speakers many times and to me the Magico has a very neutral sound which is good BUT the Vivid speakers, each time I heard them, made me forget about the equipment/spea... 
Ingress Audio Engineering
Dirt cheap? This is hi-end audio NOTHING is dirt cheap! But for $125 for a set of 3 and the increase is SQ this IMO is dirt cheap, 
Ingress Audio Engineering
I bought some Ingress Audio V3 which I’m told are just a bit taller than the V2’s from a dealer close to me and use them under several components and just find them superb. I had been using the Symposium Jr’s but find these actually have a more op... 
Thoughts on mating ML ESL 11 A's to a butler TDB 2250 hybrid amp
I heard Butler amps a few years back and thought they were very good. Now the Manley 250's would be in a different class altogether IMO.Since Audiotroy doesn't sell Butler anymore I could have guessed what he would have said! Oh well I'm sure you ... 
Spatial Audio M3 Tubo S open baffle speaker review
@gochurchgo you took the words right out of my mouth I felt the Tri-Art speakers were musical and fun and in person they are stunning YMMV. 
Spatial Audio M3 Tubo S open baffle speaker review
Have any of you heard the Tri-Art audio open baffle speakers? At Axpona heard them and the Spatial Audio and Tri-Art was the best IMHO. Now this was under show conditions but still the Tri-Art was mighty impressive! 
What are important features in a listening chair
I look for 3 things.1. Comfort2. Comfort3. COMFORTI like the Erkornes chairs myself.