
Responses from rsf507

Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
If SR will not put in writing their fuses are UL certified or EU certified why would anyonewant to take a chance with them? For a representative to just say they are and trust them at their word is just plain ignorant IMO.   
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@tim_p +1 love my PH-10  
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
I just placed a yellow fuse in my remote and could swear the remote was in the room! Unbelievable  
VAC and Kevin Hayes are totally unresponsive. What's up with that?
Lots of threads here on Agon about poor customer service at VAC. Sorry for your troubles  
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
@gochurchgo have to agree the EAR was light in the bass not my cup of coffee  
Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200
Gold Note PH-10. Very musical and extremely flexible. Great piece.  
Purple Quantum Fuses really?
New Kid on the Block
I'd rather a designed in China but completely made in 🇺🇸 Just saying  
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
I'm holding my breath to hear about these fuses but the only thing purple is my face!  
which phono preamp
I haven’t heard the Rega or Rogue but use the Gold Note and find it so very versatile. It’s also just plain musical. There’s plenty of reviews on the web on the Gold Note do some quick searches. Good luck in your search.  
Sunfire sig 600 or sanders Magtech
Keep sunfire for sure 
Purple Quantum Fuses really?
Music lovers don't play with colored fuses. May colored vinyl. 😉 
Purple Quantum Fuses really?
How many audiophiles does it take to change a fuse?Only one gullible one.  
Forum admiration and requested guidance
@vette5451 have you considered getting into streaming via a good all in one unit? I'm big into vinyl but over the last few years have gone this route and have discovered a lot of wonderful new music. 
One big reason why brick and mortar high end audio dealers struggle.
Personally I prefer the small home dealer. They show respect and not pushy. As others have stated the Brick & Morter stores just don't understand the customers wants or they just don't care. Sorry but will not go to these places anymore.