

Responses from rx8man

Just Turned 50...
12-11-11: Entrope56 and looking for senior discounts in audio stores and audio web sites.I'll be looking for the same! 
Just Turned 50...
54, what else? 
How do you spend your time?
Somewhere around here ! 
Robin Trower
Live in 2005: Stoned 
Transmission Line Bass
I have a pair Intuitive Design Summits, like Csmgolf had.Not to complicate matters, but they are referred to as a triangular transmission line design by Dale Pitcher.The lower cabinets have three tubes running from top to bottom inside (in a trian... 
Master Metal Guitarist
Thanks Jax, check out Bireli Lagrene Foreign Affairs too. 
Rockport Sirius III & Micro Seiki 8000 comparison
Nice photos and beautiful turntables. 
world's best preamp closest to real sound stage
Closest I hear is a TRL Dude preamp. 
Power Cords--Your Preference?
Another Mojo XPC power cord owner, 5 of them in my rig, including an 8awg Cross Helix from my dedicated line to a Hydra conditioner.Immensely musical and quiet, they displaced some very expensive PC's, finished shopping for power cords. 
Your favourite Internet Radio Station in 2011?
Onda Cables RMAF, anyone hear them or opinions ?
How about this years RMAF? 
anyone listen to the new Ayre V5 or V6
How do the MXR monos compare in overall sound quality? 
eera tentation cd player
AudioCircle type in Eera Tentation, you'll find a thread titled "world's best cd player?" 
Shunyata Venom 3's don't fit?
Try a piece of black heat shrink. 
Review: Triangle Art Reference Turntable Turntable
I spoke with Tom Vu, a really nice, straight-up guy.My friend may be taking an order for one very soon.The table looks absolutely formidable!