Responses from salectric
New Cartridge for Morch DP-6, 12", Red Dot I have a DP6 with 12" Red wand as well, but I don't know what the effective mass of it is. The mfr literature seems to be referring only to the 9" wand. However, my dealer says that the 12" Red is very flexible and has worked fine with every cartr... | |
Verdier Graham and Shelter??? I agree with topoxforddoc about the battery. I have compared the battery and 3 different wall-powered supplies on my Galibier. For my money, the battery makes a huge improvement. I have also heard the same battery vs. wall-powered supply compariso... | |
Wish me luck Tim, Congrats on your mod work.What type/brand of metal film resistor did you use? It can make a big difference. And what types of improvements in sound did you notice?Dave | |
Verdier Graham and Shelter??? It is certainly not necessary to use a long arm on the Verdier, but a 12" arm can easily fit on this table. The general issue of 9" vs. 12" arms has been discussed frequently. Do a search for the pros and cons. All I can say is that the 12" wand o... | |
Verdier Graham and Shelter??? A Moerch DP6 with 12" Red wand should do the trick nicely. The Moerch is often paired with the PV.Dave | |
ARC LS2 gain reduction Contact ARC. A few years ago they sent me a fax with instructions. As I recall, it involved replacing one or two resistors per channel. So you need some soldering skills. I never made the change because the instructions said that the lower gain re... | |
Schematic for Early ARC 6B Check this site. The schematic is included among the photos. | |
What is the best arm for a VPI Aries 2 and Benz L2 Gfloyd53, I suspect your experience was with the JMW 9, which I understand can flop around a bit. But the JMW 10 and 12 have a heavy collar that effectively hangs below the pivot and keeps the arm pretty stable. I have never noticed the arm wiggli... | |
What is the best arm for a VPI Aries 2 and Benz L2 I have been very pleased with my L2 in a Moerch DP6 with 12" red wand. The sound improved steadily as the L2 broke in. I can't say when the improvements stopped, but it was probably in the 75-90 hour range (it now has slightly over 100 hours).I al... | |
Preamp/Amp synergy with Cain Abby's? Restock,You're certainly welcome. Send me an email when you're ready for another DIY project, and we can discuss the Moebius.Dave | |
Preamp/Amp synergy with Cain Abby's? Restock,Sorry to be so late in responding. Somehow I missed your posting from several days ago.When I built my Moebius, I started out with the design just like Poindexter describes on his AudioTropic site, which is the same as the one reviewed in ... | |
Preamp/Amp synergy with Cain Abby's? I suggest you ask Terry Cain about the Moebius line stage that he uses in his own system. This is very nice sounding design from Poindexter at AudioTropic. See the following site for more details: bu... | |
Best Phono Pre for Teres Bebop86, As for your query re AudioNote M7, I recently had the privilege of using the AudioNote M7Phono stage in my system for a couple weeks. Most of my listening was with the AudioNote SFZ transformer. There is no question but that the AN sounde... | |
Best Phono Pre for Teres Jafox, I agree with your comments 100% regarding the relative importance of phono vs. line stages and interconnects. For whatever reason, the line stage just seems to put more of a stamp on the overall sound of the system than the phono stage. Lik... | |
ARC ph1 compared to ph3 I owned a PH-1 for several years. The preamp had a consistent sound character----lean bass, no warmth or richness, and a bright treble with a slight edge and grain. I haven't heard a PH-3, but according to a review in Listener magazine it was less... |