
Responses from samgupta101

tube pre suggestion
Just wanted to thank everyone again for all the great suggestions. I've got many more leads to check out that I otherwise would not have known.Mdrummer01--we also share the same choice of ICs...i've been runnng the AZ matrix IIs as well. Great sou... 
tube pre suggestion
HI Guys--I just wanted to thank everyone for the suggestions so far. Audiogon is filled with great people and sometimes in our hobby it's hard to get advice from people who don't have hidden agendas.Stevecham--the Krell integrated does sound very ... 
Acoustic Zen Sunrise, predecessor of the Adagios..
didn't even know there was a predecessor which was released! I was at Robert's shop about 8 months ago(he was very kind to give me an audition of the Adagios) and saw quite a few speaker designs around in various states of finish.I'm betting you a...