
Discussions sbrownnw has started

Rega RP6 adjustable feet options / thread size?47662
record store day: missed the CAKE417319
classe cap-100 remote code / codes23901
rega white belt vs black belt speed test poll42155 still in business?15490
variance of +/- 10 Hz with 1 kHz test tone1053127
tube cage solution: appj PA0901A N3 miniwatt40201
ART DPS-II for A/D conversion12110
More pops and clicks with groovetracer subplatter?35113
Lineartech AX-4400& 8207;?43620
Audio Technica AT33EV different versions? On RP6?1522926
better quality control w/ Ortofon turbo carts?20150
Best MC / MI under $500 with slide on stylus guard20041
unexpected VPI Traveler DC motor change in new ver222661
something similar to moongel but easier to apply?39192