Responses from sc53
Recommendation for amp & pre combo +- 3,000? Get an Ayre V3 and K3 preamp, avail. at your price used. | |
What has blown my tweeter???? I also would refer you to several recent threads regarding the known hazard domestic cats pose to stereo equipment. Cats have been observed lying on amplifiers and sitting/crouching on top of speakers. If a cat or pair of cats has had access to yo... | |
Easy way to find that hard to get import. Sugar, try (I'm not sure I've got the wording right, maybe it's also! I got a CD from an English artist 5 days after ordering online, faster than if I ordered from Amazon USA. | |
Sistrum Platforms Brulee, I'm so glad you liked the stand. I agree w/you, it was one of the best purchases for the money I've ever made. I have not yet tried any of their cables or interconnects, perhaps that's next. I think it's great when people post their reacti... | |
Nomatics? Don't you just love the book?? I couldn't put it down after I got it right before Christmas. I laughed out loud at several points in the convoluted story, and ended up in tears and one point too. Not often a book can have this great an effect on m... | |
Your next state-of-the art speaker s ??? :- prince, I like that! The Sound-Lab! YES! | |
Your next state-of-the art speaker s ??? :- I like the idea of attaching a couple to my dog, a big wide Lab, so I can listen to tunes while we do our daily walks in the woods. | |
Can connecting 2 XLR cables together degrade sound Don't plug the two together, bad idea. Sell the shorter ones and get the length you need, even if you have to go to a less expensive brand of cable. | |
MUSIC THAT CHANGED YOUR LIFE But then, I couldn't live without Van Morrison's Astral Weeks either, so I'd have to jam two disks into one cover when I'm sent to that desert island. | |
MUSIC THAT CHANGED YOUR LIFE Ben, I well remember buying that LP too and being astonished at how much I loved it! I played it to death then got it on CD when that came out. I used various of my favorite songs on it to put into tape compilations I made for my car. So I pretty ... | |
Fedex, didn't it used to mean Federal Express? Dnlyko, yours is a horror story. I too had to fight tooth and nail with the FedEx Ground claims dept to get them to pay the insurance I bought, and was CLEARLY marked and shown on the original shipping invoice, when the speakers i shipped from VA ... | |
Portable CD Player with Digital out I have lookd and looked for a portable CD player w/a digital out, but the only one I ever knew of, and once owned, was the original Radio Shack Optimus 3400, or whatever the model no. was, that Sam Tellig and everyone raved about back in the early... | |
Need Some Advice About Indoor Antennas I used the Fanfare or Magnum Dynalab whip antenna inside for several years before having it mounted on the roof of my townhouse. The whip indoors was better than the Godar (which I also have) or the Audio something boxes for indoor use. Also, I do... | |
Best Used CD Player 1500-3000 And the EMC-1 plays CDRs, at least mine does! | |
I need a bright detailed 300 used speaker cable Hi Sean--yes I thought the Alpha Core were brighter than the Analysis Plus Oval 9's! I know others' experience differs. |