Responses from schubert
salesperson recomends what do you think Personally I think B& W are the most over rated speakers ever made.Sonus Fabers are great, especially for acoustic music.Golden Ears are good sounding, very good for large scale orchestra music but the smaller two-ways are not near as good acc... | |
Review: Ohm Acoustics Walsh 3/3000 Speaker 1250$ for their cheapest speaker, little less than knee high Micro is IMHO, a plain ripoff. | |
Review: Ohm Acoustics Walsh 3/3000 Speaker If Ohms were priced better they would do MUCH better. | |
Do Active Speakers Belong In A High End System? Sure, as long as having to junk an expensive speaker that can't be fixed holds no fear for you. | |
Need Interconnect Advice Morrow MA2AudioArt IC-3 | |
What the best 89-90 db speaker I can buy for 3k? FWIW, of all the speakers I ever heard, which in 40 yrs audiopiling is a few, the ones that I liked the best were Hales Transcendence , but of course they are all old now and as I am too, I could never manhandle those 150 lb pups anyway(sob) . | |
What the best 89-90 db speaker I can buy for 3k? Thanks Opus88, Q900 is on my short list, always liked KEF.Keep reading Q900's are great but that R 900's are world beaters-LOL. | |
LOUSY SOUND AT LIVE CONCERTS These type of concerts are social and financial events, not musical ones.What did you expect? | |
What the best 89-90 db speaker I can buy for 3k? Thank you one and all, many ideas I never would have thought of. | |
Rush Live in 2013 - Clockwork Angels Hopefully none of the "Rush" on AM radio. | |
New to classical..looking for recommendations Thank you, Rushton. | |
How do you organize your LPs? Since I only have Classical and down to 500 from 3k, I just sort them by nationality of composer and by oldest in case of Germany. | |
New to classical..looking for recommendations Many good suggestions, just buy one nice romantic pretty work and chew on that for awhile.Try Brahms Violin Concerto, 2 lovely recording are, Itzhak Perlman with the Chicago Symphony and Anne=Sophia Mutter with the Berlin Philharmonic.Another good... | |
What the best 89-90 db speaker I can buy for 3k? Rest of system is quite dynamic. | |
What the best 89-90 db speaker I can buy for 3k? In Classical music, which is 90% of what I listen to, dynamics are many times greater than in other music, the lack of same makes things somewhat "dead" no matter if the tone, imaging, scale etc is spot on. |