Responses from schubert
How to protect against burglary Smith and Wesson etc type signs motivate, not discorage, thiefs. | |
Opinions on Land Rover LR2 None rendered Chayro, you post is both ignorant and a prime textbook case of delusuions of grandeur. | |
Opinions on Land Rover LR2 Charyo, were it not for bad taste , you would be completely without same. | |
Opinions on Land Rover LR2 Never, never buy a crummy Land Rover, over-priced yuppy POS with lousy sound system, ugly to boot. | |
How to protect against burglary A good Rottweiler or canine equivilanent, but nothing is foolproof. Insurance riders are available. | |
Trip to NYC, What to do True, Podunk is nicer. | |
Vintage TT - looking to add one - recommendations? I have a Sony PS-X7, which is a x-6 with a carbon fiber arm, it has new phono cables with Eichmans and has a totally manual function. EVERYONE is surprised by its performance. | |
Top 10 Jazz recordings ever Martinu ? | |
Linn LP12 vs. VPI Classic 1 and 3 WAS the truth on mine ! | |
Top 10 Jazz recordings ever Mapman, re Ella, hard to argue,she is the icon allright.However, great as she is, I can never shake the feeling she would rather be somewhere else , doing something else. | |
Linn LP12 vs. VPI Classic 1 and 3 Most "philes have heard a well-set up Linn, problem is they don't stay that way for long. | |
Mitsubishi Pre's and vintage tube amps I hear you,Serge, I have spent many thousands "investigating" LOL | |
can a new amp amp tame my speakers? Amen Drjay, All a speaker can do is let you hear what your amp sounds like. I have a pair of Focal Titus 200 little monitors I bought off craigslist for 200 bucks.They are fully able to let me hear the difference between my 2K Van Alstine and my s... | |
Top 10 Jazz recordings ever Rok, upon reflection I do have a serious imbalance in my collection, only about 10% is Bach !Seriously I never cared for Jazz much, not an active dislike like rock, but until I was in my 60's I didn't realize there is a place for things without a ... | |
Top 10 Jazz recordings ever Rok, she sings better than she looks.Voice reminds me of a clear mountain brook. |