Responses from schubert
Which speakers should I get. $500-$1000 Also, you need to remember that, when it comes to reviews, although a classical recording might be mentioned, VERY few reviewers have any any real interst in classical music, I dare say most have never hears a live symphony performed. | |
Which speakers should I get. $500-$1000 Also, forget those Monitor rs6 mentioned,WAY too hot on top for strings, though a good rock speaker. | |
Which speakers should I get. $500-$1000 I listen to Classical and jazz almost exclusivly, PSB is the best bet be by far, they never made a speaker that made classical sound bad,with any amp, in any room .As an audiople of over 40 yrs I've owned about every other speaker mentioned, only ... | |
Would you trust a local dealer to help you put There may be those great Dealers out there,remember when you read the tomes from dealers on here ,that the human mind is capable of infinite self delusion and that when you do something over a long period of time-that becomes SOP. | |
"ANTI-CABLE" SPEAKER CABLE vs Audio Arts SC5? I find, having both, that anti's shine on rock.SC 5 on acoustic-YMMV | |
Tube Dac to Tube pre? Remember, many of the NOS EXPENSIVE tubes around are faulty and/or fake. | |
Cartridge for Rega I agree on the Ortofon, a Grado Black works fine too.I have a Denon DL110 on my old Rega 3,sturdy smd very nice on the acoustic mudic I listen to. | |
Would you trust a local dealer to help you put True, remember that a wise man learns from other's mistakes.Actually I do have just that Rega system in my 13x11 den and it sounds VERY natural and captures both the dynamic range and low-level dynamics of the acoustic music I listen to.In a big r... | |
Would you trust a local dealer to help you put After 40 years I now know that speakers only let you know what your amp sounds like. In a 10K system I'd spend at least half on amp.If I had any sense I'd buy a Rega Brio-R intergated,Rega Apollo CD and a pr of Rega RS3 speaker with DNM Reson wire... | |
Tube Dac to Tube pre? Doable yes, introducing more variables than are wise also. | |
Would you trust a local dealer to help you put The best dealer in the world doesn't have your ears,taste or room.I have been an audiopile for over 40 yrs during which time I've lived in 12 major metros and have yet to find a dealer that knows much about classical music .Any dealer HAS to sell ... | |
Best DAC for $500 Beresford TC-7520 Caimen,which is why they have none to sell here at moment. | |
How are Hig-End Speakers Priced? By what the market will bear. | |
Transparent or Nordost? Both sound crappy with some systems and great with others,like most things in Audio. | |
best chinese tube amp under $1k? Eastern Electric ia a very nice sounding amp leaving money out of the equation.High Quality build as well. |