Responses from schubert
A queston of Classe', or other amps Buy while the dollar is still worth something . | |
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms Tell him to get lost . | |
long lasting cart +1 USE STYLAST | |
Hafler 3300 crackling in one channel It's old is the problem . | |
Jazz for aficionados Thanks guys , if I'm in presence of someone who says Ringo was not a good drummer I'll deck them . | |
Jazz for aficionados got it on here(for now) . We all know the song but nobody ever heard musicians from over the world snyc it up so perfectly brick by brick for 18 months ,And finish at the right time ! | |
Jazz for aficionados HUMANITY ALERT !!There is a recent post over on Thiel Owners that is as human a post as I have seen in a long time .post is ""Great Spirit and Great Music "" by tomthiels "" .No matter what genre you are into this is a masterpiece for this time !B... | |
Thiel Owners tomthiel , You must have a wonderful daughter !I'm a classical man but that piece is the most human clip I have ever seen ,. | |
Sophia Electric is not honest Chances are they were assembled in USA . It's legal to say made in if so . | |
The quiet grid millercarbon , I'll give a Gold Star on the Ponzi bit , Congrats, you are spot on there . | |
Jazz for aficionados Back at you Frogman , VERY glad to hear that !And I Truly pray that ALL on here survive this as well . | |
Jazz for aficionados FROGPERSON , I hope you are in the catskill's ! | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Well , I hope he makes it OK .As half of Harley St will be at his bedside he should make it alright . | |
On-Line Concerts for the Virus Age How about the greatest jazz pianist alive . | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Here is a recent outing that reminds me not to argue with Rattle.He is beyond genre , very wise and intelligent as well . |