Responses from seandtaylor99
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone I've butted heads with Pat on a couple of posts, and exchanged some great private emails. We don't agree on everything, but I'll agree on one thing ... he's a really sound and honest guy.I'm very sorry to hear this news and I send my sincerest con... | |
why doesn't everyone own a pair of spica's??? Audiomax ... the GMA Europas cost $999 new NOW and I'm confident that they eclipse the tc-60s. I guarantee they eclipse the Angelus (they replaced in my system just a few months ago). The TC-60s, from what I remember, are so similar to the angelus... | |
why doesn't everyone own a pair of spica's??? I used to own spica angelus for 6 years. I sold them a few months ago and replaced them with Green Mountain Audio Europas (999 new).The Europas do everything the spicas did and then some. They image equally well left to right, but with better dept... | |
best wife friendly monitor? How about Harbeth compact 7s. They're a bit bigger than monitors but they look beautifully retro. and sound great. | |
Powering off Equipment-Silly question HI Justlisten, I didn't realize it was a tube amp. I use all solid state so even though I'm still in N. CA it's not too expensive to leave it on.I'd be amazed if you have a damp problem is you're in the bay area. Until the last few days the air ha... | |
Powering off Equipment-Silly question You don't have a switch so I wouldn't worry about it.Any reason that you don't leave the amp permanently on ?On some amps there are muting relays so that the amp shut down doesn't result in speaker noises, but on most amps there are not. It's prob... | |
Rega amps and preamps I have only ever listened to a nait2, never a nait 5. The UK alternative Naim forum is at Post there and you'll get many responses.You could try Densen, only available in the US at in NY. The... | |
What transformer for Linn LK140? Try More linnies over there. | |
GMA Callisto feedback Green Mountain Audio I'll add my vote to the customer service from GMA. It is absolutely outstanding. I don't think I've ever had the level of followup on anything else I've bought, ever. And they're so enthusiastic about the music. I just hope they're paying equal at... | |
Quit vinyl? If the amount of money you'd get from the turntable is significant to you then selling it might be the right thing to do.If it is a relatively small sum (as I'd imagine it will be) then I'd hang on to it and your records, because, as others have s... | |
GMA Europa vs. Soliloquy 5.3? I'd wait until you move and find out if they work. If they do work then no need for speaker shopping. It's not a golden rule that large speakers do not work in small rooms, unless they're so large that the door will not open :-) | |
GMA Europa vs. Soliloquy 5.3? Are you sure that the VR-2000s don't work, even if they're well away from walls (google the Cardas speaker positioning). Much as I like the Europas (I also have a REL subwoofer for bass) it would be good if you could make the VR2000s work by exper... | |
speakers in a bad room Onhwy61 gives good advice that had not occured to me. Listening in the nearfield (which really means with you and the speakers forming a near equilateral triangle, about 6-8 feet from the speakers) significantly reduces room effects.Also having th... | |
speakers in a bad room I think I agree with Jeff. Rugs and tapestries will offer greater sonic improvements than expensive speakers. | |
how best to break in speakers? For the first 30 minutes keep checking your amplifier's temperature .... if it gets hot then turn it down a little.Also make sure the sound is not distorted (indicating amplifier clipping) as this can blow tweeters. |