Responses from seandtaylor99
Downsizing-Need Integrated Amp Advice I own GMA Europas and I run them with a Densen B100 integrated amplifier. The sound is stunning. Densen's US distributor is Audio Outlet ( check out quality, sound quality and customer service are excell... | |
how best to break in speakers? Swap the +/- connections on ONE speaker so they're out of phase. Face the two speakers towards each other about an inch apart and play loud, bass heavy music for as long as you (and your neighbours) can stand. | |
Good monitors used under $1000? As a Europa owner I'll chip in and say that the treble, imaging, soundstage and microdynamics are all superb. They do also have an uncanny ability to bring out the best in all recordings, and make bad recordings enjoyable.But I do find them a litt... | |
CD v.s LP - When comming from the same MASTER Pabelson, actually the real impact of sampling at a higher frequency is not to extend the frequency response, but to make the implimentation of the anti-aliasing filter simpler, so that a filter with less passband ripple and less phase error can b... | |
Digital voltage? "Would a higher voltage digital output level bump up the analog output level?"No ... the detection process to recover the 1s and 0s compensates for the different levels. For example if the levels were 0v and 10v I might set my decision threshold a... | |
CD v.s LP - When comming from the same MASTER "A CD should sound exactly identical to that digital master". Incorrect, because nobody masters at redbook level anymore. It's all done with higher sampling rates and greater number of bits, and then it's downsampled (decimated more correctly) for... | |
GMA Callisto feedback Green Mountain Audio I own Europas and I think they've really come on song in the last couple of weeks ... and I've owned them for about 2 months, though with not much time for use.So breakin would seem to be required. I think the europas use the same low frequency dr... | |
Technodec w/Michell moded RB250, Used P25, P5? There's a horizon on Audiogon at the moment with an RB300. Supposed to be a very good deck. | |
meridian 506.16 I'd contact Meridian and ask about replacement transport availability first. A 506.16 has got to be 5+ years old, and transports often don't last much longer than this. | |
How Loud Do You Listen??? Do You Know????????? My ears start bleeding whenever I put a Celine Dion CD in my player. And that's with the amp switched off.Must be the placebo effect. | |
Which speaker is the master of IMAGING ???? As a former spica angelus owner I have to say that the Green Mountain Audio Europas have better imaging than the spicas. | |
How international is your system? Speakers, DAC: USAAmp: DenmarkTurntable, preamp: EnglandCD player, cassette: JapanSubwoofer: Wales | |
Rega Exact on a Rega P5 - opinions? With musical fidelity and VR1 monitors I'm guessing that your system perhaps errs towards the brighter side of neutral ? Excuse me if I'm wrong.One thing I have liked about the rega cartridges is that they certainly are anything but bright and the... | |
Rega Exact on a Rega P5 - opinions? You can get a Goldring 1042 for a lot less than $350 if you order direct from the UK and use the Rega as a trade-in.I can't answer your question directly, but my past experience has been that rega's own cartridges ar... | |
DIY Isolation Platform A concrete paving slab on top of a 4-6" foam slab is a remarkable isolation setup. The CD player is coupled firmly to the massive concrete block, and the compressed foam is unable to transfer any ground based vibrations to the massive concrete sla... |