
Responses from serge_s

Mitsubishi Pre's and vintage tube amps
Thanks Schubert. PAS-3 was/is my first choice, but when I see something intriguing locally I investigate. Both Mitsus are dual mono and look like quality built, which of course is not a good predictor of SQ: 
Mitsubishi Pre's and vintage tube amps
Thanks Xti16. BTW, how do you like your Octave and what do you drive with it? 
Octave Integrated Amps
Thanks Magfan. I am rethinking the tube amp idea. If I do decide to go with tubes it will be Mac as I have 2 Mac shops close by and would be able to get maintenance without hassle. 
Octave Integrated Amps
Thanks Xti16 and to everyone who chimed in. 
Octave Integrated Amps
Xti16 thanks for your answer. I was looking into V40SE to use with ~100db 2 or 3-way pro horns with impedance dips below 4 Ohm. I also wanted to narrow my search to amps with shallow volume taper before doing any travel to audition.