

Responses from sfar

Repairing braided speaker cable
I've used a product called "Liquid Tape" to help create a watertight seal when doing boat wiring. It would probably work in your situation.http://www.thetapeworks.com/liquid-tape.htm 
Cable comparison
You may be right but it's a pretty common business strategy to get by on very low markup on the principal commodity and make money on the peripherals. Kodak did it with cameras, selling them cheap and making money on the film and processing. Car d... 
Best wireless headphones
I tried a pair of Sennheiser wireless phones in a similar situation and gave up on them pretty quickly. The sound quality wasn't great but the thing that really made them unacceptable was that moving about in the room, even by a few feet, caused t... 
How Can I Use MY IPOD For a Music Source?
GunbeiThe issue with the sound quality of your iPod may have as much to do with the integrity of the files on the iPod as it does with how you're getting your music from the iPod to your system.You didn't say in your original post whether you're c... 
How Can I Use MY IPOD For a Music Source?
I haven't used this device but it does provide a line-level output through the dock connection on the iPod. Sendstation PocketDock Line Out There are probably other similar accessories out there. 
Tivoli Radio???
The tabletop radios I've compared are the Bose, the Cambridge Soundworks 88, the Tivoli and the Boston Acoustics Recepter.If what you want is the best sound for the money, I'd recommend the Boston, especially since they're available refurbished at... 
merlin tsm`s on target stands?
I did manage to find a used pair of Osiris stands for my TSM's and thought I'd mention one consideration in using them or any other stand you might find. The Osiris had been universally recommended for the Merlins so I jumped on them when I saw a ... 
Hints on how to sell on A'gon?
In addition to all the good advice above, decide for yourself very clearly what your bottom line is before you post a price. You'll get an amazing variety of offers with infinite variations asking if you'll accept a lower price, pay the shipping, ... 
Looking for a Little Help...
I would second Newbee's recommendation of the Canare StarQuad 4s11. Do a search on it here and you'll find a number of discussions. You can find it at Markertek for $69 cents a foot but there are a number of other sources for it online, as well. I... 
Parallel wiring of subwoofer?
The configuration you described is the one that's recommended by HSU for their subs, running two sets of speaker cables from a single set of binding posts on the amp, one set to your main speaker and the other to your sub. They advised me that the... 
Best pair of $ 1500 speakers to match with Rotel?
For $1,500 used you can get a pair of Merlin TSM-MM's and have speakers that will last you through another couple rounds of source and amp upgrades. The Rotel pieces may not be the ultimate electronics but they're damn good for the money and putti... 
Braided cable covering?
TechFlex at Parts Express 
Suggestions for lower priced pre/amp
The difference between NAD and Rotel is going to come down to personal preference and your choice of speakers is going to have a considerably more significant effect on the sound than your choice between either of those brands.I've owned a couple ... 
Suggestions for lower priced pre/amp
A used Rotel 1060, 1062 or RA-02 would give you great sound within your budget and the outputs for two pair of speakers. 
My Sister wants an i-pod
So help me out with a metaphor here, you can probably come up with a better one than this. "People who complain because an iPod can't possibly compete with their megabucks home rig would also complain that their Ducati can't pull their Airstream."...