

Responses from sfar

Downsized and still happy, can it happen?
For reasons of space I went from McCormack separates, a DNA-0.5 amp and TLC preamp, to an Audio Refinement Complete integrated. That was quite a move down in terms of the original cost, as well, but I'd always liked the Audio Refinement and decide... 
How sub-satellite system should work - crossovers
I'd second Arni's suggestion about using a configuration that leaves your existing speaker connections to the Celestions as is and running a second set of speaker cables from your amp to the high-level inputs of a powered sub. The second set of ca... 
sla battery safe for car audio and t-amp?
The amperage rating of the battery shouldn't be a problem at all. I've run my t-amp off a motorcycle battery quite happily. I didn't hear any sonic improvement with the battery, however, over a good regulated 12v power supply and I didn't want to ... 
Recommendation - Rotel vs. Audiolab
I have no experience with the Audiolab but have owned three different Rotel integrateds and found them to be absolutely reliable with very good build quality and sonics for the price. 
Help: good value amp for Epos M12.2s?
Yes to the Creek suggestions and I'd add to them the Audio Refinement Complete as a consideration for the amp. The Music Hall CD-25 is an amazing player for the price. 
What is the best iPod base?
Using a high-quality table radio is a good alternative to one of the dedicated bases. I really don't have an anti-Bose bias but I have found that the radios from Cambridge Soundworks, either the older Model 88 or the current CD-740 work and sound ... 
What is the best iPod base?
I don't have a lot of experience with either but co-workers have the Bose SoundDock and the JBL On Stage. Both seem to work well but, relatively speaking, the JBL is a much better value. Costco has them for $99 at the moment, about 1/3 the price o... 
Is it me? Comments on the Rega Mira integrated.
An integrated that matches your requirements very well, I think, is the Audio Refinement Complete. I haven't compared it to a Rega but mine is certainly accurate, detailed and musical. 
The next step?
I don't have any experience with the Jolida but you probably can't go wrong with either. They both are players that are recommended by a lot of people whenever a question like yours is asked and even if someone does have experience with both, thei... 
Mccormack or muse or forte
Sonics aside, a strong argument for the McCormack is the ongoing support and advice that Steve McCormack provides through SMC Audio and even on this forum.I owned a DNA 0.5 Deluxe for several years as part of an all-McCormack system and absolutely... 
The next step?
A great option for a CD player within your budget is to find a used Music Hall CD25, which usually runs $350-400, and upgrade the opamps, which would cost you somewhere between $50 and $150 depending on which ones you buy.It's a simple do-it-yours... 
What sub for music budget
A used HSU VTF-2 is a bargain at $300-400 
Speaker Wire for a non-anal listener
Any of the Canare speaker cables would be a good choice and give you the option of easily bi-wiring because each cable has four internal conductors. Even the heftiest of them, the 4s11, is only $.69 a foot at markertek.com. Canare is widely used i... 
Ls 3/5a sound without the price.....
Your idea about looking at Ruark is a good one. I've owned a pair of Epilogues and they're absolutely wonderful at the price. They're beautifully made, as well. 
Sub usefulness in constrained placement situation
I used an HSU VTF-2 in the configuration you're describing, behind the couch, but with less space between it and the back wall than you're describing. It worked extremely well in my space. Give it a try. The sub fit perfectly underneath a very nar...