Responses from sfar
Downsized and still happy, can it happen? For reasons of space I went from McCormack separates, a DNA-0.5 amp and TLC preamp, to an Audio Refinement Complete integrated. That was quite a move down in terms of the original cost, as well, but I'd always liked the Audio Refinement and decide... | |
How sub-satellite system should work - crossovers I'd second Arni's suggestion about using a configuration that leaves your existing speaker connections to the Celestions as is and running a second set of speaker cables from your amp to the high-level inputs of a powered sub. The second set of ca... | |
sla battery safe for car audio and t-amp? The amperage rating of the battery shouldn't be a problem at all. I've run my t-amp off a motorcycle battery quite happily. I didn't hear any sonic improvement with the battery, however, over a good regulated 12v power supply and I didn't want to ... | |
Recommendation - Rotel vs. Audiolab I have no experience with the Audiolab but have owned three different Rotel integrateds and found them to be absolutely reliable with very good build quality and sonics for the price. | |
Help: good value amp for Epos M12.2s? Yes to the Creek suggestions and I'd add to them the Audio Refinement Complete as a consideration for the amp. The Music Hall CD-25 is an amazing player for the price. | |
What is the best iPod base? Using a high-quality table radio is a good alternative to one of the dedicated bases. I really don't have an anti-Bose bias but I have found that the radios from Cambridge Soundworks, either the older Model 88 or the current CD-740 work and sound ... | |
What is the best iPod base? I don't have a lot of experience with either but co-workers have the Bose SoundDock and the JBL On Stage. Both seem to work well but, relatively speaking, the JBL is a much better value. Costco has them for $99 at the moment, about 1/3 the price o... | |
Is it me? Comments on the Rega Mira integrated. An integrated that matches your requirements very well, I think, is the Audio Refinement Complete. I haven't compared it to a Rega but mine is certainly accurate, detailed and musical. | |
The next step? I don't have any experience with the Jolida but you probably can't go wrong with either. They both are players that are recommended by a lot of people whenever a question like yours is asked and even if someone does have experience with both, thei... | |
Mccormack or muse or forte Sonics aside, a strong argument for the McCormack is the ongoing support and advice that Steve McCormack provides through SMC Audio and even on this forum.I owned a DNA 0.5 Deluxe for several years as part of an all-McCormack system and absolutely... | |
The next step? A great option for a CD player within your budget is to find a used Music Hall CD25, which usually runs $350-400, and upgrade the opamps, which would cost you somewhere between $50 and $150 depending on which ones you buy.It's a simple do-it-yours... | |
What sub for music budget A used HSU VTF-2 is a bargain at $300-400 | |
Speaker Wire for a non-anal listener Any of the Canare speaker cables would be a good choice and give you the option of easily bi-wiring because each cable has four internal conductors. Even the heftiest of them, the 4s11, is only $.69 a foot at markertek.com. Canare is widely used i... | |
Ls 3/5a sound without the price..... Your idea about looking at Ruark is a good one. I've owned a pair of Epilogues and they're absolutely wonderful at the price. They're beautifully made, as well. | |
Sub usefulness in constrained placement situation I used an HSU VTF-2 in the configuration you're describing, behind the couch, but with less space between it and the back wall than you're describing. It worked extremely well in my space. Give it a try. The sub fit perfectly underneath a very nar... |