

Responses from sfar

Best spkrs under $700 for a Rotel RA-1070 integrat
I've bought both Meadowlark Kestrels and Soliloquy 5.0's for use with Rotel amps for friends. Both sound exceptionally nice, though different. The Kestrels are floorstanders and the Soliloquy's are monitors. I'd think almost any speaker from Meado... 
Need best mid-price ICs for new ss M/C amp...
Dh Labs interconnects are excellent for the money and reasonably easy to find online or used. I've had both the BL-1 and the Air Matrix and found them to be very nice sounding, well-made cables. 
How to add subwoofer to my main speaker.
I don't have an SVS subwoofer but the specs and images on the manufacturer's site make it seem as if it has essentially the same options as my HSU subwoofer, with both low-level RCA inputs and high-level speaker cable inputs and outputs.After tryi... 
Which of These Budget SS Preamps?
The only one of those on your list I've owned is the Parasound P/LD 2000 and it's a fine preamp but one I like better is the McCormack TLC-1. It's a beautifully built piece of gear that completely got out of the way of the music in my system. They... 
Is my setup mid-fi or hi-fi?
To paraphrase George Carlin's riff on 'stuff,'"My stuff is hi-fi, your stuff is mid-fi." 
speaker cable question for linn classik
I bought the Linn connectors from a local Linn dealer and attached them to some speaker cable I already had. It wasn't a difficult process and the connectors themselves are only a few dollars each.I was told the Nordost Z-plug banana connector wou... 
Very Small Desktop Speakers
I have a pair of Acoustic Energy Aesprit 301's that are designed to be surround speakers but the lack of a rear port makes them ideal to put on the corners of a desk against a wall. They're beautifully made, with cherry cabinets and very compact. ... 
Apple or PC?
Be prepared for strong opinions on both sides of this. It will be obvious from the responses that this is a religious issue, not a technical one.Having said that, I can give you a very personal recommendation. I use both operating systems, myself,... 
Apple Mini 'puter as a CD jukebox?
Seems as if the mechanically simplest way to rig it would be to get the optional Airport Extreme wireless card with the Mini, which would be handy for internet surfing anyway, and plug in an Airport Express unit at your stereo location.http://www.... 
Budget speaker selection help
The speakers on your original list are all well thought of. A couple of other good options would be the B&W DM303, new or used and the Ruark Epilogue, used. 
Anybody know World-Jazz
The whole body of work by Anouar Brahem, the Tunisian oud player, is amazing. The most accessible is 'Le Pas du Chat Noir' and it's a great place to start. From there, work your way through the others, 'Conte de L'Incroyable Amour,' 'Astrakan Cafe... 
CD player - skips and static pops ... related?
Drugstore isopropyl alcohol streaks because it is only 70% alcohol, the rest is water and whatever other stuff the water contains. Rubbing alcohol, if you can find it, is usually 99.something% alcohol and won't streak. But, in my experience, the d... 
CD player - skips and static pops ... related?
Besides a dirty lens, the other cause of skipping I'm aware of that's user-fixable is heat. If the player is sitting on top of your amp or is in an enclosed cabinet, or both, the heat can create enough change in the dimensions of the player parts ... 
Anyone else feel left out?
Sure, what you're talking about is certainly possible and quite a few people here have put together systems in that price range that are extremely enjoyable. It takes obsessive monitoring of the used equipment ads, lots of auditioning and/or swapp... 
'great' bookshelf speakers for under 500?
I've owned Soliloquy 5.0's and Ruark Epilogues, both available for under $500 used, and both are excellent monitors.