Responses from sgordon1
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking... Do you prefer listening to music with the ionizers"on" or "off?" The tradeoff is the enhanced effectversus the slight internal noise they generate.Do you notice a difference in SQ whenyou leave them running all the time EXCEPT forthe times you ar... | |
How does Donald Fagen do it? Since the pandemic started I have been working out in the morningswhile listening to "Alive in America." Nothing else will do! | |
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking... If you turn on and plug the ionizer or MOSKITOFREE into acharger in your cigarette lighter, the music in yourcar can be transformed. As if you upgraded the radio head,speakers, and amplifier! For peanuts. | |
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking... Thank you for the spirit of sharing. | |
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking... Please generously post the link to the Chinese ionizer?Thanks very much. | |
Protruding wall heater You might try some fo.Q tape,strategically placed. Or some weights on the heater's top shelf.Or wedge some kind of blockbetween the bottom of the heater and the floor, if you listen to music withthe heater off.Also pay attention to the way the he... | |
Opinions!! A great next step, for $400: Jolida (Black Ice)SS-X Sound Expander! This piece really has workedwell with my Prodigys. (Read about them in otherposts) Wanting to try domething different?Why not stay with the speakers you have,just give yourself... | |
Artists you feel you can rely on, buy any new album unheard. Bill Frisell. | |
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking... In my experience, the effects of the Moskitofree productis enhanced by using an air ionizer. I keep theformer "on" all the time, and use a portable airionizer for only 15 minutes before a listening session.It is as if the effect on the air in the... | |
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking... Hats off to you, Mahgister. I received the "family" versionof moskitofree from France. I agree with your comments.The device probably should not be used when musicis just meant to be a backdrop for other activites.When the device is "on" it simp... | |
is the sound of vinyl due to the physical process of the turntable? I put three thin strips of 3M silver tape on thecd player spindle, taking care not to affectthe platter. The middle piece of tape is longer thanthe two peices on either side. The top of the spindle is curved, so I used a flat edge to gently push... | |
New silversmith fidelium cable Even the Fideliums are sentitve to vibration.The top of my amplifier is always removed, exposing thespeaker connections inside, at the rear.I attached some clamps to both sets: the onesconnecting the cables and the unused ones.So, one clamp covers... | |
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement Jim Smith, from "Get Better Sound" on tonal balance:p. 92 "We perceive warm or cool sound to some extentby the amount of energy present in the lowermidrange/upper bass. If we bring our speakers (or microphones)a bit closer togeether, the reproduc... | |
New silversmith fidelium cable I did my best to resist, leaving the box with the new Fideliumsunopened, for a week. I wanted time to tweak my system,and pay attention to what I liked about the sound.And identify passages to focus on, with the new cables.The Fidelium cables are... | |
Is Not Responding To An Offer Just Plain Rude? First, don't take any non-response personally!It is not necessarily about you, or the details of anypotential transaction.You don't know anything about the seller, theirpersonality or communication style, or their pandemic-related challenges.Audio... |