

Responses from shadorne

Panasonic Plasma EDTV is best for TV and DVD (pixels fit exactly)....it also looks very good (but not the best) on HD.An HD plasma TV will actually look worse than an EDTV with a regular TV or DVD source....this is because it has to upscale the si... 
Need to turn volumn up to break in speaker cable?
LOL - Bojack - I love it - feel the force - yeah baby! 
Speaker Distortion or Room Interaction ?
What are your speakers and amplifier? From your description, this might be one of two common problems; a speaker thermal compression issue (as coils heat up your speaker response characteristics change and may sound dull and compressed)or a an ove... 
What material is based below a down firing sub?
Subs radiate in all directions because they are only extreme LF bass frequencies - it makes little difference that it is down firing or not...as long as stuff is not rattling (floorboards) or the sub is on an uneven surface and wobbling then you a... 
Integrating Subwoofer with ProAc Speakers.... HELP
I agree with Bojack...take your time and listen to a variety of music that you like...some source material will sound overwhelming in LF bass and other material will sound lean....adjust cut off and sub amplification level to give you the best bal... 
The Law of Diminishing Digital Returns
I have found CD players in the $200 range are good enough for my ears. I have several with different DAC's and a DAC on my pre-amp also. I have compard them carefully and the difference, if there is one that is audible, is not enough to be meaning... 
what is a big speaker?
Macallan25,LOL ;-) 
Bispeakering...am I the only one?
Surely speaker placement, driver phase alignment, and matching dynamic response at various sound levels would all be very hard to achieve with two separate and differently designed speakers. A home theatre can take hours to set up even when starti... 
what is a big speaker?
It is almost impossible to generalise in this way. ...other than physical size, what makes a speaker too large for any room..? LF bass response, accuracy, SPL level and dynamic range should all be better with a big speaker (if driver quality is ma... 
Over emphasis on reviews....
No surprises...reviewers are often influenced by advertising $$$  or £££ and the constant need to define something new and fashionable. 
Any info on the fun, new Apple product 28/2/06
A Tivo killer perhaps? 
Any thoughts on Hitatchi 55" Plasma?
When I looked (about 6 months ago) it was the Panasonic Viera line that impressed me the most. 
$1 a foot cable: 10awg no-name or 14awg brand?
big cable is probably best value if you don't mind that they are more obtrusive 
The Clever Little Sharp
Zaikesman,I agree that expectation explains many of these highly implausable or irrational tweaks. The same food can taste much better when presented nicely in a classy environment. 
Most neutral speaker cable for less than $5 a foot
Beheme,I use XLR cables. Ordinary "Yorkville" cables from Long and McQuade (a guitar/music store). The speakers are active and as such have very high input impedance. The XLR cables carry low level signal voltage with very little current and act a...