
Discussions shtinkydog has started

What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?24318175
$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???17667154
Favorite punk song. 313032
Most annoying song, period. 22800232
KLIPSCH R-41M24476
Is there any "audiophile grade" Reggae out there on CD? 425538
Does the quality of an older interconnect degrade the sound over time?30408
OK, so seriously, what is up with TMR's pricing here??331028
Killing Joke anyone???291622
Differences in sound in Parasound P3 and P5 1271811
Van Alstine Trans 10RB vs. Freya Schiit. Which do you prefer and why?? 1617726
Has anyone done a side by side comparison of the Parasound P3 to their own P5, and/17331
Which artist do you absolutely love, but own nothing by the them?16646