

Responses from signaforce

PS Audio BHK signature preamp
Received my 330A amp today. I know I was supposed to give it time, but could not wait. It sounds beautiful, very clean, very crisp & concise, detailed, with sparkling highs, tight bass & great soundstage. Hearing subtle passages I have nev... 
Top 10 Live Albums
Lots of great albums! The sicko in me wants to add Mothers of Invention Fillmore East - June 1971.   
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?
PS Audio BHK signature preamp. I continue to be amazed at the improvements this quality preamp brought to my system.   
Streamer apps critical
+1 Aurender conductor app. Excellent! Because of the amount of information provided, works best with a pad vs a phone. Repurposed an old iPad mini for exclusive use with my Aurender running Qobuz.  Moved from blueOS to conductor with skipping a be... 
PS Audio BHK signature preamp
@audphile1 @dokosan Purchased the Simaudio Moon 330A, arrives Thursday. I am excited to hear it in my system.  @sandrock The tube recommended by PS Audio and used by many in the forum is the Tungsram. I may give it a try. Thanks.   
PS Audio BHK signature preamp
@audphile1 @dokosan Thanks for the feedback. Think I am buying one. Love the form factor for my limited space. If I am not comprising too much, maybe a keeper!   
PS Audio BHK signature preamp
@audphile1 Very sound advice, as it always is. However, I may try the 330A, as there is a used mint listing for $2,700… then resell if not to my liking with limited loss. I am finding it very difficult to ignore its perfect form factor. @yyzsantab... 
PS Audio BHK signature preamp
@audphile1 @yyzsantabarbara & anyone else I was looking at the Simaudio Moon 330a. It is the perfect form factor for my existing space. It probably would be a compromise over the Coda (less class A etc) but would (I believe) be a significant ... 
PS Audio BHK signature preamp
@digilog5 Thanks!  
PS Audio BHK signature preamp
@digilog5 Thanks for your observation confirming the Coda was very good & compatible with my BHK PRE. But it sounds like you prefer the BHK 250… wish they had one in black, I might overlook the size, weight & heat. Sorry to ask but what do... 
PS Audio BHK signature preamp
@audphile1 Already own the tubes that fit the BHK from my RP-1. Matched NOS Tele’s, Siemens & Brimar’s. Won’t be spending any money on more tubes, nor fuses. Thanks.  
PS Audio BHK signature preamp
@yyzsantabarbara Now you need to not read the forums so that you stay happy wilt your gear.  Much easier said than done! A side note, I will probably replace my turntable next. Given the same cartridge, it is probably the least sonic improvement I... 
What is the first thing you do when you unwrap a new vinyl record?
@willyht Thanks!  
What is the first thing you do when you unwrap a new vinyl record?
If paper, change out the liner to a MoFi sleeve, clean it with ultrasonic, then play.    @willyht and others. Question, I am a fledgling jazz listener, so know & have Miles, Herbie, Cannonball, etc, most from the standard Blue Note. I don’t ... 
PS Audio BHK signature preamp
Thanks! It’s cooking!  For my sanity, I was doing some research to try to understand the significant perceived improvement from the RP-1 to the BHK. I found 4. 1. The RP-1 is a very good entry level pre. The BHK is a very good high end pre. Desi...