Responses from sirspeedy70680e509
Tranfiguration Orpheus description Doug,sorry but I cannot interpret what you claim in the O's performance,as "sins of ommission"!Sounds like a bit of a "RIP",at 5500 clams,if you are accurate(95% of it,as stated)."Completely lost" the duality of Dolly and Linda. Jumping out of the... | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description Audiofel,firstly no need to question how I interpreted your post.No offense was taken,either.I got the point!Nsgarsh,thanks,for the compliment.Truthfully though,Audiofel,you should re-read my interpretation of how I pereived the Orpheus,in my frie... | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description I have finally been able to fully digest your post Doug.My very last response to Audiofeil was, in essence, of a defensive nature.Sorry! I can only imagine how good a sound system you,and Paul,have put together.Based on the well articulated descri... | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description I think,at this point,any additional comments would be kind of moot.I don't want to be a contrarian,and promised to take any findings at face value.I totally believe what Andrew heard,but for a "real" comparison,it would be best if the "O" were to... | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description BTW Andrew,the Sonic Fireworks discs are Direct To Disc if I remember,as I do have one volume(I think)."Blockbusters",and used to be the "staple" of many a Hi-Fi demo,by many dealers,in the old LP days.If you like,I can look for more of these(I th... | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description Andrew,great post!!I must admit we did not try the loading,other than the 47ohm spec.DRATS!!I definitely dropped the ball here,last Friday,but in the past,with Tranny's,we did stay for quite some time(weeks),at 60 and 100 ohms.Always finding our w... | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description Andrew,Doug,Paul,don't bother with anything under 1.9 gms.It would,also,be a safe bet(see Bc3 here,too)to move,quickly, to 1.95 and move up from there.Also,you must try 47 ohm loading,as well. Best of luck! Mark | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description Hey,Larry....Better watch what you say,or I'll start a Miami Travel Fund,first! Best! Mark | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description I must admit,I am "dying"to get these results!!A year ago,I would have been suspicious of any posts of this nature,but I now have a healthy respect for the guys doing these comparisons!There will be no arguments from me,either way. As of a week,or... | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description Andrew,you are going to Doug,this Wednesday for a Univ vs Orpheus shootout!!!!!!!C'mon,man! Please make sure one of the judges is not paid off.A'la Don King style.-:) Just kidding! Best, Mark | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description Nsgarsh,I promised myself I would not go overboard in posting on this thread.As I always do.I'm getting a bit self conscious about how I seem to go a bit over the top,when I get enthusiastic about stuff. As to the "damn good" Venustas....yes it wa... | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description OK,finally got to my pal Friday afternoon.Kept thinking,to myself,this better be worth it,as I was greeted by New York traffic the moment I got off the Verazzano bridge! I deserved more than "a little better than the Temper-v" performance,for havi... | |
New Phantom Bearing 4yanx,I hope not!! Best! | |
Tranfiguration Orpheus description Bc3,glad you mentioned this.The distributor told my pal to run at 2.0 gms.I felt this should be a bit too high,without checking other weights,but was going to check all forces,starting at 1.8 gms,and moving up,from there.TIME CONSUMING,but mandato... | |
Which interconnect from tonearm? CMK,I know Loyd Walker likes thin guage conductors for the connection from his fabulous table,to his phonostage.You can get some insight from his website,most likely. However there are a good number of fine products available here,that don't have ... |