Tranfiguration Orpheus description

This is the first detailed description I've seen of the new Transfiguration Orpheus:

Anyone run across other info?

I have settled in at about 1.97g. Amazing how consistent these numbers tend to be with the Transfigs. I always ended up at 1.87 with the Tempers. sirspeedy, your remarks, including hyperbole, are just what I expected, as they reflect my own sense of the Orpheus. A lot of "little betters" adding up synergistically to a big step closer to the heart of the music. Though, I tend to understate, in order to allow people to come to their own conclusions. Also, cartridges are such system/taste/setup dependent things, one just never knows. I do know, however, that those who like what the Tempers have done well over the years will absolutely love the Orpheus. It is not so "hi-fi" as some of the others mentioned, but, if you have spent lots of time going to the symphony, or jazz clubs, or (now, finally, with the Orpheus) rock concerts, it will sound very familiar to you.
Nsgarch, Bc3, Sirspeedy,

We will likely start our comparison of the O to the Univ by setting the O from my last point of optimization. That was at 1.87g VTF, 47K and arm parallel. Doug is open to spending some time optimizing the O so we will move to your more experienced and thorough optimization settings. Therefore, we will end up at 1.97g VTF, 60-200 ohms loading and arm parallel.

I'll report back tomorrow on findings of migrating my settings to the group optimum settings and how it compares to the Univ.

Andrew,Doug,Paul,don't bother with anything under 1.9 gms.It would,also,be a safe bet(see Bc3 here,too)to move,quickly, to 1.95 and move up from there.Also,you must try 47 ohm loading,as well.
Best of luck!
Andrew visited us this evening and we had an enjoyable and instructive time, aided considerably by the fine wine and even finer single malt he brought with him. My thanks for that!

SirSpeedy was correct to warn about VTF's below 1.90g. We heard the first faint signs of mistracking at 1.91 and moved up to 1.94, which proved safe. We tried higher VTF's too, and impedance settings of 200, 1500, and 47K ohms.

I would want Andrew to post his impressions first, but the answer to Rmaurin's questions is "no". More anon...