

Responses from sleepwalker65

The Science of Cables
@millercarbon claims:Electrical measurements are totally irrelevant.  Tell us you can’t hear the difference between a lousy Walmart 24 AWG “speaker” cable and a decent audiophile 12 AWG speaker cable, or a lousy 50 cent dollar store interconnect w... 
Grace F14 MONO cartridges and styli
Why do manufacturers bridge the two channels of a mono version of a stereo cartridge? Wouldn’t it be more sonically accurate to take the signal from only the horizontal coil? 
DIY Equipment and Speaker Stands
It isn’t exactly rocket 🚀 science 🧪.  
I’m gob smacked. What were you’re aha moments?
Magic Chicken’s Foot (MFT) beats ‘em all.  
Grace F14 MONO cartridges and styli
I’ve been pondering the effectiveness of my Audio-Technica VM-610 mono cartridge. It comes with a comical stylus (ugghhh), but I’ve been contemplating the VM540ML stylus on the mono body, and wondering if that combination will be better for my mon... 
Bookshelf speakers for near-field (desktop) use
Yamaha near field monitors like HS5 are great and well below your budget max.  
Personal Tuner Evolution
Just added a Sony ST-313 analog tuner to my pair of NAD integrated amps (3225pe & 3020i) and Technics SL-1700mk2 vintage system. The Sony has a big beautiful analog dial with a flywheel weighted mechanism. It’s got a servo-lock feature and nic... 
FM antennas.............Does ANBODY still make them?
The reviewer obviously knows nothing about reception of FM and ATSC signals: “Connected with this antenna, your television would also receive the FM radio stations — keep in mind however you cannot hook up this antenna with a radio receiver.To use... 
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
@teajay If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable moneyTry: “If you still spin CDs, there is a reference-level transport for reasonable money.  
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
This “polarity” nonsense is bull. Either the two channels are in phase with each other or they’re not. Simple as that.  
Technics Turntables...really???
@stevecham  The direct drive lent a tunable feature for aspiring musicians.Record scratching and fooling with a mixer doesn’t make a musician. Learning how to play instruments and sing is what defines a musician.  
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
Fleabay also protects its “preferred” sellers from negative feedback, even when warranted. There’s really no recourse to punish a bad fleabay seller once they’ve reached a certain status with them, so PayPal is your best friend.  
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
Uuugggghhhhh!!!!! This isn’t a debate on perception, it’s a debate on the medium and associated technologies. C’mon people, it’s not about WHO is right or wrong.  
Speaker Cables and Carpet
Just have your carpet cryo-treated or shake a magic chicken’s foot at it.  
WiFi extender needed for residence?
Extenders actually cut the bandwidth being served by half, so you might get extended coverage, but only half the speed. The better thing to do is buy a decent wireless access point and connect that to your router, and either disable the router’s i...