

Responses from sleepwalker65

Cartridge Mounting Hardware
While I don’t have the spec for my cartridge’s (Audio-Technica VM540ML) mounting screw torque, I’ve requested that of the manufacturer just recently. If I get an answer back, I’ll share it here.  
What are "true" balanced connectors
Balanced inputs are not defined by whether two channels of a stereo amplifier are bridged or not. The concept of balanced inputs is that the input is a differential receiver, where the signals on each wire are equal and opposite polarity. Thr diff... 
Do you ever do this before you listen?
I do that when I’m in a plane and the cabin pressure starts building as it starts descending.  
Cartridge Mounting Hardware
The correct way to tighten something is according to the manufacturer’s specifications. They know more about their products than anyone else does.  
Cartridge Mounting Hardware
Accuracy of torque wrenches is relatively unimportant compared to getting consistency of torque when it comes to tightening lug nuts (or wheel bolts if we’re talking German cars). There, a Harbor Freight torque wrench will suffice. On the other ha... 
What do you mean you “heard” the turntable
The law of diminishing returns will be where the line blurs.  
Group delay in subwoofers
Delay is caused by the velocity factor of electricity through the paths it takes. Wire and circuit board traces are generally the fastest parts on the trip, but still you need to take the aggregate length of both routes to know if one is significa... 
Simple and Effective Upgrade for Wall Wart Power Supplies
Voltage regulation comes with a set range of tolerances on input voltage and current draw. You can do a headroom calculation if you know what the regulator circuit voltage dropout is and subtract that from the design output voltage, then finally s... 
Are ferrites effective for cabling?
You know that random approach to trying things without knowing what they do is only going to cause you frustration. People who design electronics don’t just say “hmmm, that random handful of parts looks good to me, they will do anything I want if ... 
Are ferrites effective for cabling?
@geoffkait I’m pretty sure you’ll find the answer is .....no. They do work quite well on non-audio related cords, though. I mean, to improve the sound, in case my statement is ambiguous. Oh, no offense to anyone who thinks they work on audio cable... 
Brilliant Pebbles, a new tweak, cheaper than high end cables.
Whoah! Really Geoffy?,  rpt  Really Geoffy?Hel-loo!  
Simple and Effective Upgrade for Wall Wart Power Supplies
Trouble with a pre-built power supply is it’s a one-size fits all scenario. You would be paying for all the parts of a multi-voltage output design, but only using one voltage. That wasted money could have gone into fortifying the design for your s... 
best mm/mc preamp under $200 and best mc cartridge under $500 for an SME 3009 S2 arm ?
I’ll second the Audio-Technica VM540ML, in fact I own two of them and love them. The 740ML is basically the same thing with an alloy body, which in my opinion is a negative when it comes to electrically isolating the cartridge wiring (often bonded... 
Simple and Effective Upgrade for Wall Wart Power Supplies
I built linear power supplies from premium components for my phono stages that came with wall warts. Massive improvement in SQ and it cost less than buying something of questionable quality through fleabay and still needing to put it in a decent e... 
It's back!
I’ll be happier if they bring out a SL-1700mk3. Some of us can’t live without full auto-return.