

Discussions snackeyp has started

Roger Waters Amused To Death747034
Favorite Dylan?377654
Best LP Version of Coltrane Alabama14473
Hearing Only The Music...16571
David Crosby If Only I Could Remember My Name238615
$4.99 vinyl copy of Bruce Horsby The Way It Is12215
Best sounding Hard Rock239816
50 of the best hi-fi albums for audiophiles1152620
Donald Fagan The Nightfly Ultra One-Step28276
Duelund 16g Speaker Wire Question1625216
Artists Seemingly Incapable of Laying a Turd198815
SME Tonearm Question510818
Analogue Productions Pet Sounds Reissues295710
SME vs. Clearaudio Turntable Comparison - Thoughts?74929
Good DAC for Wadia 8 Transport21471