
Responses from speakermaster

Is the appeal to euphonic distortion learned?
People like different sounds and types of equipment but i have noticed when shown a true superior product the likelihood that almost all of the people will like the product is very high like 9 out of 10 even in large groups. When you play music on... 
Borrowing equipment from dealers
A good dealer is hard to find but they are there and they are worth searching out because they will save you all kinds of headaches in audio/stereo listening. 
How loud are you typically listening?
90 to 95 db is my average level because i do not react to low volume listening at all if i can not get the rush of music washing over me than why listen. 
Your advice needed, speakers to buy $8K to $13K
The ohm would need a different type of amplifier to open up the treble range for you they are current hungry and hard to drive properly but they would be the best choice of your three listed with the right amplifier. Another very good choice would... 
Amethyst versus Nagaoka MP-150/MP-200
Cartridges are very system dependent like speakers so finding the perfect one for your system can be a real challenge. I would recommend a good dealer that will allow you to try different cartridges to find the best fit for your system or you will... 
More Power Part II
You can reproduce the sound of a piano with a little over a watt of power with certain speakers. 200 watts of power is only needed in the largest rooms with the least sensitive speakers. The problem with blanket statements like this is they do not... 
Help, No sound from Turntable
It is probably a connection issue somewhere in the system or a preamplifier issue i would try to reset the preamplifier by unplugging it and plugging it back in. 
One Cord To Rule Them All
A used kimber pk10 gold would be a very good choice or about the amount of money that you want to spend. 
What is the average life expectancy of a DAC?
With a dac there is not life expectancy issues but there are planned obsolescence issues like new technologies and formats that always appear. 
My system....what and how will cabling impact?
Better cabling will have an effect on your sound as well as better power cords and a conditioner/regenerator but it will be great to find a good dealer to try and find all the cables and power products you need to make your system sing like it can... 
Burned Out
Do not buy tubes on ebay or without making sure your gear is voltage compatible with NOS tubes many times the voltages are wrong in the old tubes for modern tube gear I would suggest trying andy's tubes. I have bought some of his graded tubes and ... 
Soft, smooth organic SS integrated amps?
B&K stereo 202, Harman Kardon cititation 12, Technics setx100, Tandberg power amp, Denon pma2000r, Adcom gfa 545series 2, Soundcraftsmen a5002, and others like them are all good choices the key is that you need an amazing preamplifier to drive... 
I just bought a Steinway which sounds like a banjo.
You are correct 99 percent of audio/stereo reproduction is of the play it pretty/as you like it type of sound the key is to find the gear that plays music like the microphone picked it up and those types of components will better serve you in the ... 
Are these exceptionally well recorded, or what?
Your new preamplifier is probably starting to bloom when this occurs all your music will sound better all the time most of us have a hard time waiting for that change to happen but when it does it can turn a crappy sounding piece of gear into a gr... 
how can low watt tube amps drive speakers with higher power requirements
It is all based on the quality of the first watt with a lot of amplifiers and speakers and the ability of the amplifier to drive the speaker. The other main factors are room size and listening level wanted. Small amplifiers can be good for a lot o...