

Responses from steuspeed

tube cd player with solid state amp and preamp
I disagree. Tube amps can lack bottom end and have that tube bloated sound. Tube CD player, DACs and Pre-Amps lend the benefits of tube sound without the downsides you can get with the amps interaction with the speakers.My system is all tube and t... 
current system not going to cut it???
Sounds like you are going backwards on your audio source from dac/trans to Denon and now PS3 just to get Blu Ray. There must be a Blu Ray player that's up with the rest of your system. 
My soundstage is terrible. i need help bad.
The big screen is a problem indeed. Bringing the speakers out may help. I see a plasma TV and a NAD integrated in your future. 
My soundstage is terrible. i need help bad.
You need to upgrade your receiver. Try a good integrated. If you want sound stage then search/buy equipment that is know for that trait. Add a tube dac to your front end. 
What speakers?
JohnnybEminent Technology LFT-16http://www.eminent-tech.com/main.html 
what do i really need 1080p for?
Panasonic plasma gets my nod. LCD is too soft looking, plus motion artifacts on anything moving fast. 
What speakers?
Gallo Ref III. May suffer some near wall though. Since the tweeter is only 180 degree firing it might minimize rear wall interaction unlike the MKII 320 degree tweeter. The top end is fast like your Maggies. Great soundstage anywhere in the room. 
Best equipment to use with Gallo Speakers?
There are many ways to go with processor and amp combos. You might start a new thread, "best pro/amp combo under 3k". I would suggest that you also consider a Gallo Ref A/V center speaker. This speaker carries 50% of the content load in a home the... 
Bookshelf speakers and amp recommendations
For that kind of money there are many choices. Check the forums or start a new thread. "Best bookshelf monitor under $1000 new or used." Remember you will need amplification like a small integrated with phono stage if you are planning on vinyl. Th... 
High power amplifier and small speakers??
The size of the speaker does not matter. High sensitivity speakers can work with small or big amps. Detail will not be lost at lower volumes with a big amp. The quality of the sound will depend on how good the amp is, not the amount of power. In y... 
What comes after CD`s?
The mass consumer is more concerned about how many songs they can put on their ipod/phone then the quality of sound. Anything higher than 16/44.1 will have a hard time gaining any traction in the future unfortunately. Distribution is going downloa... 
Bookshelf speakers and amp recommendations
There was some buzz about these $48.00 speakers at Best Buy called Insignia. Do a search and check out what people were saying.http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?rspkr&1150303119&read&keyw&zzinsignia 
mca 50 good enough to drive totem wind?
Mixing speakers is a classic mistake in multi-channel systems. Glad to see you are on the right track. The Anthem should have more than enough power. I think there a better amps out there however, so there is more improvement to be made when you a... 
Suggestions for a good 3 channel amp
Good idea Kal. 
Suggestions for a good 3 channel amp
McCormack DNA HT-1