
Responses from stuartk

Six DAC Comparison
@no_regrets  So glad to hear your foray into upgraded digital has turned out so well, Don! Saw your system pics on the other forum and aside from what are clearly undersized speakers ;o) your vinyl rig looks amazing.    
@jc51373  Thanks for your comments.   
Jazz for aficionados
Nice to see some appreciation shown for N.H.S.N.H.S. ! It was the first non-Fusion C. Corea record I bought decades ago and if I could only listen to one of his records, would be my choice.    
Drinking Songs playlest... What am I missing?  
Jazz for aficionados
@acman3 RE: video, what gets me is when he says he "would just make up things." No big deal!  
How Many Readers Come & Go
It never hurts to use the search feature first before starting a new thread, simply because certain topics like "What new DAC should I buy?" come up over and over and members (understandably) get weary of trying to answer the same questions over a... 
New In 2024
McCoy Tyner and Joe Henderson: Forces of Nature Live at Slug’s Blue Note CD & Vinyl release date is 11/22 I’m looking forward to this one!!!  
Jazz for aficionados
@frogman Didn’t realize I’d already posted -- I thought I was still in editing mode, but no matter. I guess, what it boils down to is, I don’t find Bennett’s (as I perceive it) highly theatrical tone any more "childlike" than Jordan’s earthy to... 
Jazz for aficionados
@frogman IMO, the song does not work as well with “jazzy” inflections. Sheila Jordan’s version has an element of sultriness that I feel is completely inappropriate for the story behind the song. Moreover, the rendition sounds belabored. It’s ha... 
Jazz for aficionados
@frogman  Another version: To me, Tony Bennett's version sounds almost "operatic" by comparison.   
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister Thanks for the further explanation, data and examples regarding a fascinating topic!      
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister Then our taste did not express a mere contingent free will as a choice but also reflect something about us even in our physiological reaction that constrain the choice... I’m not sure I grasp what you mean, here. You’re suggesting... 
Where to purchase cables?
I'm another who utilizes the Cable Company. It’s become my default approach. I've found someone there I trust and I always work with him.    
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister Also i listen more with my heart than with my brain. I can relate! When we interrogate ourselves about our taste we learn less about music than about ourselves for sure... So true. What do you think "taste" is made up of, exact... 
@freediver Thanks so much for your very helpful comments!