Responses from stuartk
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ? Thanks for the ongoing comments. I'm now less inclined to regard these brands as the right direction for me. | |
Sonus Faber Electa Amator III vs. the Bowers and Wilkins 805 D4? The Maxima floorstander actually takes up less room than either bookshelf on stands, yet puts out a room-shaking low C which is 32.7 Hz. And hands down, the most beautiful speaker I have ever seen! Congratulations -- I'd love to hear those ! | |
Sonus Faber Electa Amator III vs. the Bowers and Wilkins 805 D4? I doubt I'll ever be able to afford the Maximas and even if I could, their weight would hardly be practical but I'd love to hear them. | |
How cheap can you go and still be happy with the sound? @curiousjim ...try to keep music in my life as much as I can, because IT makes me happy! Exactly. It's the music ! | |
Album(s) That Took The Longest To Come Around To I can count the number of recordings that I’ve "learned" to appreciate on the fingers of one hand. It’s extremely rare that revisiting music I didn’t enjoy the first time changes my mind. As to The Band, the brown album is one of my all time favo... | |
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ? @helomech The common (perhaps unfortunate) misconception is that world-class midrange performance is the exclusive jurisdiction of these BBC inspired brands and their trademark polypropylene cones. The reality is there are many brands that matc... | |
Is the idea of audiophile listening a dying concept as boomers die off? @jallan I would put up Tedeschi Trucks (their version of Layla beats the original IMHO and FAR better recorded) The original Layla album is indeed quite poor sounding. I'll never understand why Tom Dowd thought it was a good idea to record ev... | |
Is the idea of audiophile listening a dying concept as boomers die off? I'm much more concerned about the future of music, given corporate greed and the advent of AI. How much longer will there be a market for living, breathing musicians, when a computer can "compose" and "perform" in any style? | |
Does it have to sound good for you to like it? @viridian Not to imply that is not as valid a choice as any, just dont understand it. I don't either, unless it involves replicating what one hears night after night, in a particular venue from a particular group of musicians. @soix I’v... | |
The joys of mid-fi @abnerjack But oh my, when you couple excellent performance with a high quality recording, played on a nice system, you have it all. Maybe the payoff is worth the trouble. Some "music lovers" will be critical of this view. Some seem to be able... | |
Does it have to sound good for you to like it? "Live music" in which venue, from which seat, through whose ears??? | |
A great Otis Gibbs interview with guitarist Kenny Vaughan. @dekay Yes! I love guitarists who use their chops to play music, not vice versa! ... Oh yeah, and the keyboard player’s not bad, either! ;o) | |
A great Otis Gibbs interview with guitarist Kenny Vaughan. I first encountered K. V. when I saw the 2nd ACL L. Williams DVD. He looked so young and played great -- caught my attention right away! Otis Gibbs videos are always entertaining. | |
Does it have to sound good for you to like it? @soix Sure that’s possible, but I’d argue that same avid music lover could get even deeper into the music and appreciate it even more with a better system. I can appreciate driving a Mazda Miata, but I can appreciate driving a lot more in a Pors... | |
Does it have to sound good for you to like it? @frogman While, as I wrote earlier, the two can live side by side, I think that one is being unrealistic to think that when listening to music we can appreciate ALL that the music is offering if we are also scrutinizing the sound and allowing o... |