

Discussions swampwalker has started

Ebay fraud alert567617
Anyone got a schematic for a Llano Trinity 300?32892
Source for 45 rpm adapters22613
Tube OTL amp for VAndy 546119
Conversion for Orotfon stylus gauge24885
Tone arm for SOTA/ZYX38464
Scratchy sounding CDs22030
New cart, step-up or ???884527
Problem with American Beauty DVD-A29037
Main fuse location on Joule VZN-80 MKIV22562
Voltage regulation for Joule amps454914
R&B version of "Franky & Johnny"25319
There's a sucker born every minute656419
Recommendations discs for SACD/DVD-A trial537123
5U4 vs 5V440082