

Discussions swampwalker has started

Recommendations for 5V4 rectifier for Cary 2A3i24223
Source for volume control knob19723
5Z3PAT equivalent395116
My vote for Tweak of the Week953628
Chinese KT66s20551
Shipping to APO address25715
EMC-1 Owners Spider Alert360411
I have seen the light.456310
Microzotl start-up filament flare?26372
Micro-zotl hook-up23472
Source for tube boxes?25065
Can I Use balanced and SE on EMC-1 at same time?20431
High efficency monitors for ASL Waves?22582
BAT VK 60 w/Vandersteen 3Asigs/2W?30493
Cones for Llano Trinity Amp35235