

Responses from tabl10s

Modwright LS-36.5 vs Hovland HP-100 / HP-200
Do you have a first Gen '100? 
TV power cords; Money well spent, or money wasted?
I sold an old Transparent PC to a cop for $25 who's not a videophile and he saw the difference. 
DCS Scarlatti v the Spectral SDR 4000 pro
A friend had the Spectral and sold it for the Meridian 808.2. He had than 861 before the Spectral and the dCS stack before that. 
Ia a good amp more important than a good DAC?
Markwatkiss,What's the difference between Tiger and Santa?:Santa only had three Ho's. 
Who's your guitar daddy now?
I forgot to mention Phill KeaggyandLincoln Brewster(recently named one of the top 100 player's by Rolling Stone)who are both killer Christian guitarists.I met Mayer at the local airport and didn't even know it was him. 
Who's your guitar daddy now?
Masayoshi Takanaka(plays like Santana and has played onstage together, but cleaner with more feeling).Steve Morse(Will be in Roseville on the 18th and my friend has a few tickets for sale as he can't attend).Neil Schon. 
Meridian 808.2 CD Player......
A friend has a simple internal mod for his 808.2 that he said improves the sound. He said it bettered his Spectral, GNSC modified Wadia 861 and full dCS stack. 
Cardas Forged Spade Re-Termination
I guess you're the "L.Z." on the website. Earlier this year, I had the money to buy some Clear, but discovered the new cable after I bought a new acoustic(same price). 
classe twenty five and classe fifteen
Yuck, yuck, yuck.Dick Olsher(I think)reviewed it in Nov '94. I purchased a '15 based on this review after I returned form Daharan, Saudi Arabia(volunteered for 91 days temp duty to afford equipment since the pay was tax-free once you entered Saudi... 
classe twenty five and classe fifteen
The 15's bass was the equal of the KSA-250. 
Jitter reduction, best device?
Astro,I used to have a Theta TLC into two Pro 32's then changed to the '32's with a Digital Lens. It's better to use two Lens' in tandem since the chip thethe PRo 32 is no longer supported by Dusty Vawter. If it burns out, that's it. 
PS Audio Perfect Wave Transport/DAC experiences
Here's the resulting backlash from the review:http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/digital/messages/15/150178.html 
Best digital interconnect
Bull,Didn't you have a way of proping it up? It's been said that VD digital cables are actually their analog IC's. 
Solidsteel 5.5 rack: To fill, or not to fill?
Dante,Symposium Svelte shelves(or Ultra's for source equipment)would be ideal in this rack(since the individual shelves are isolated with the cones)along with Grand Prix Audio Apex feet w/Ntrile balls(there's a pair for sale on this site). You'd h... 
Esoteric P-03/D-03 or Metronome
Chad,I know, you know the lid wasn't to be removed when it was in play.Dev,Here's a cable you might enjoy.http://www.theaudiobeat.com/equipment/sensorypower_active_digital_cable.htm