
Responses from tammyholt

Spam as far as the eye can see!!
FYI, We found a solution to control the spam. Apologies for the disruption this has caused to the forums.      
WTF: uncontrolled Tsunami of Spam pure crap post arising on AGON daily
Yes, we are so aware of this SPAM issue. Several solutions are being looked at it. Trust me, we want it to end as well. Should have an update tomorrow. In the meantime, please continue  to Report any Spam posts that you do see. Appreciate the... 
If a " system " cannot do this, I move on........
@david_ten  Thanks. We are aware of this bug and it  should be fixed sometime next week if not earlier.   
A sincere Thank You to AudiogoN members for the congeniality and sharing!
@jusam  I found your original account if you prefer to use it.The account creation date was 2011 and does have feedback on it.Just email support@audiogon.com,   Attention: Tammy 
@thyname   Testing.    
Application Error
It's  a problem with the site. We hope to have it fixed soon.  
@w553439910  Contact support@audiogon.com and we will send you instructions on how to follow this brand and get alerts when one comes up for sale on the marketplace. 
In house for review: AricAudio's Super 300B SET amplifier & Western Electric 300B tubes
@amorstereo contact Tammy at support@audiogon.com and she can help you access your original account if you would prefer to use it.  
Featured Systems page defunct
@bobthenailer  I'm not sure what the problem is.Email me at support@audiogon.com,   attention: Tammy with more details.  
Can you share your older Pass Labs experiences?
@jusam  if you would rather use your older account, send me an email to support@audiogon.com, Attention: Tammy and I'll help you out with that.  
Received a Bill for State Tax on An Amp Bought in Canada Last Year
This forum is about Audio, if you want to discuss Politics there are other platforms for that.   
I’m new and slightly confused!
@dougtrenches  It can't be done in the forums, but if you contact me at support@audiogon.com, attention: Tammy I will  be glad to help you lists the items for sale.    
Received a Bill for State Tax on An Amp Bought in Canada Last Year
No more discussions about Politics. Stay on topic please. Received a Bill for State Tax on An Amp Bought in Canada Last Year 
Need help valuing high-end power cables.
@gemoody  Send me an email to support@audiogon.com, Attention: Tammy and I can also give you advise as to listing these on our Marketplace.  
@smooch724  Send me an email to support@audiogon.com and I can call you if needed. Put Attention: Tammy in the title please.