
Responses from tammyholt

It seems kind of ironic.
@immatthewj  Email me at support@audiogon.com to discuss.  Thanks.     
Altec Lansing 541B Speakers
@archivist  Have you checked our Bluebook?        
Why this forum deletes full threads ?
@whitefishpoint1175 What is your cousin's username?        
Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...
Why Are the Forums Moderated? 2 years ago   Updated Follow Audiogon strives to maintain a site that is informative, focused, and dynamic. In order to maintain a low signal-to-noise level, we moderate the discussion forums in a number of... 
Scams on Audiogon (McIntosh Amps)
The seller and ad was suspended.   
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@tomic601   Thank you. Email me tomorrow at support@audiogon.com and I'll try to help. :)    
Forum Updates 11/24/2021
@whipsaw  It's some sort of bug. The developers have been notified. I hope to have this fixed this week or next week.            
What caused double posts of same discussion
@noromance  We should have this fixed next week. The problem has been assigned to a developer.     
“This discussion is closed”
IT was closed because for some reason two of the same posts were created.     
How to post a want ad
@aoltes   Email me at support@audiogon.com   Attention: Tammy  And I'll be glad to help.        
RIP oregonpapa
We are saddened to hear this. Frank was a valuable member to the forums and marketplace. Prayers for his family. He will be missed here on Audiogon.    
When did audio goners now have to pay to see the book value of equipment??
Those with an Insider (or Legacy Bluebook) Subscription have unlimited access to Bluebook. You can also do one-time look-ups for a specific product. Earlier this week while updating and migrating the Bluebook Database, there was an error in syncin... 
Timely that this forum discussion was created while we were in the process of fixing this exact thing. We’ve corrected the inconsistent tagging bug, and updated the logic for @-Mentions—a long over-due issue. Recent Commenters are weighted in the... 
Spam as far as the eye can see!!
@rocray  Trust me, we are glad this is over as well.    
WTF: uncontrolled Tsunami of Spam pure crap post arising on AGON daily
  FYI, We found a solution to control the spam. Apologies for the disruption this has caused to the forums.