
Discussions taters has started

Is anyone using Harbeth speakers with a sub-woofer1510010
Buy tubes from Audio Research or not4757963
How reliable are EAR amps1230921
Has anyone ever switched to Harbeth1032625
ARC vs LFD405011
Is it worth upgrading tonearm wiring59039
Nitty Gritty Mini-Pro cleaning machine32185
Are high-end manufacterers pricing themselves20874
Do you spend more on audio than your income allows521039
Will ARC VT-100 drive Dynaudio C-1's36218
Would you pay to audition speakers3336972
Harbeth HL-5 or Dynaudio special 2538084
Disc Doctor quick wash24261
I met Eva Manley39009
Arc with Dynaudio or Naim21371