Responses from tbg
How close to the real thing? Veroman, I think there is much more to it than you say, such as ambience, note decay, sharp leading edge, human noises, timbre of instruments, but this is a senseless argument. I seldom buy seats that would give me the perspective that the mikes e... | |
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre Dgarretson, all that I can say is that I have never been successful with even four points. Were six better than five, etc.? | |
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre Dgarretson, I am in total agreement with what you say.I just have to say that after trying to get four Audio Points in contact with the bottoms of my BMC Arcadia speaker and remembering that three points define a plane, I gave up on anything more ... | |
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre Dgarretson,I have a very different experience with Stillpoints Ultra devices on different shelves. Initially, I had their ESS rack with acrylic shelves. While it sounded very good, I always thought that the acrylic ruined the ESS rack. Exemplar Au... | |
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre Mitch2, if I find a product valuable for the realism of my system, I usually seek some explanation. With regards to vibrations one reads a number of explanations. One entails what is a variation of springs under the devise whether they are actual ... | |
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre Wolf_garcia, I have always said, as have others, that sarcasm is often misunderstood as we have no body language to so judge your meaning. | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD Mattnshilp, go to aaudioimports.com for reviews and dealers | |
Is DSD download already an extinct format? Gareneau, I must say that I am repeating a pro guy who is at the edge of the art. He says that Sony and Philips devised a way to put copy protection on DSD recordings in doing their SACDs. He merely undoes this effort, as Playstation 3 allowed to ... | |
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre Wolf_garcia, what has always perplexed me about engineers is their belief that we know everything about natural laws. But I've sat in civil engineering doctoral defenses and heard of "safety factors" to assure buildings will stand. I heard of engi... | |
How close to the real thing? With the same speakers and electronics, I have heard great differences in realism with the same recordings. Of late I am hearing greatly more ambiance and note decay with double DSD versus 44.1 PCM on many different recordings. All this means, of ... | |
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam , In my experience, no other cables rival the High Fidelity Cables, especially those with the most magnets, have the most dynamics and most detail. Unfortunately, the most magnets mean the highest prices. Of course those heavily touted here are also... | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Ghosthouse, I think unpredictable is really the proper word. I was on a doctoral committee once where the US Army was paying a guy to get his doctorate. He was seeking to achieve the best prediction of weather in Iran to deliver supplies so that m... | |
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre Wolf_garcia, your post deserves no responce. | |
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre Roxy54, I agree with you about Wisper's post. I might well have written the same post. I know of many shill posts here as well as shill reviews. This was not of that character. | |
Looking for really fine cables at really low price John421, all copper cables would be more conductive, especially if the ends are not soldered on. |