Responses from tbg
Wife stepping on speaker wire Schubert, Right-way Audio marketed these some years ago. They look like insulators that you see on telephone poles, but not made of glass. I cannot find any such firm now. I bought 24 of them. I had never heard of one per cable either until I was ... | |
Wife stepping on speaker wire Schubert, I don't know what SC lifters are, but I find porcelain isolator with glaze are clearly best. I have yet to find a cable including power cords that is not improved by being isolated. Furthermore, one per cable is best. | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Calvinj, I agree with Rick that more magnets are always better than fewer. The only real limit is how much you might pay as they are costly to assemble and to buy the rare earth magnets. Obviously, a meter long set of wave guides with plugs at the... | |
When is digital going to get the soul of music? Colekat, generally I agree with what you say here.Your last sentence, "If there was a gathering of all these…." is the subjunctive voice. It should be "If there were a gathering of all these…" I grant that few pay any attention to such now days. | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Calvinj, In late June, we will be going to New Mexico where we might stay through September. This is to escape Texas heat. We are selling our little home there. If it were sold early this summer, we would, of course, not be going. | |
When is digital going to get the soul of music? Audioengr, pretty soon all master tapes will be quad DSD digital tapes. We had better hope that this format captures the "soul" of music. I really don't think that "soul" is the goal. Rather, the emotion of the musicians is there in both vinyl and... | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Calvinj, you are welcomed to drive down. DFW is about a 3.5 hour away. I think you are close to FW so I guess I35W is your route. | |
LSA the gem of a good system Ah yes tube rolling. I have the Statement amp but have never used it as an integrated amp other than a brief comparison versus the Exemplar XP-2 and using the amp section only. The combination was, of course, much more expensive but it also was ju... | |
LSA the gem of a good system Lrsky, I heard them and was crushed that they were not made. I even thought of buying the prototypes. | |
Looking for really fine cables at really low price Mapman, obviously because I was impressed. | |
Looking for really fine cables at really low price The reality is that there is no purpose in posting about cheaper or modestly priced cables, as no one has hear all of them and one should not really trust anyone posting here. I would imagine that there are 1500 cable makers and no one has even he... | |
Wife stepping on speaker wire I would not ever leave any cables in contact with floors, I would suggest relocating the speakers so you can keep the speaker wire off the floor. | |
LSA the gem of a good system Lrsky, I well remember the story of the very favorably reviewed speaker that you got from DK Designs that had no wiring inside when John sought to get it working. | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Calloway, lest I be misunderstood on the CT-1s let me speak of more recent experiences. I had two non-HFC cables on my raid system and driving my turntable. Surprisingly and clearly the HFC CT-1 in both cases gave superior performance. Noise on th... | |
Why Don't More People Love Audio? Czarivey, I've been there and know what you are saying, But realism may not be achieved with in expense equipment, but I'm not saying, in the least, that if it is not quite expensive it cannot be good. I've certainly heard many very expensive piec... |