
Responses from tellefsen

MQA vs. ripped vs. vinyl vs. hi res
A quick update. I acquired an RME ADI-2 Pro A/D. It does much more than that, but it lets me rip at 24/352 which is the highest resolution my Lumin A1 will decode. I am using VinylStudio to rip. I like it. It has a pretty good work flow for rippin... 
Guttenberg's Cornwall IV Review -- I'm in trouble
Take a look at the thread over at Audio Circle on Danny Richie at GR research doing mods/upgrades to the Forte 3. I have A pair of Chorus 2 I just picked up and thinking about having Danny design an upgrade. I wishI could hear the Cornwall 4.. Not... 
What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?
Recently my local audio dealer who is into vintage audio suggested I add a high efficiency speaker to my stable. I have a pair of Martin logan Summits and a pair of Green Mountain Audio C-3 HX .He suggested looking at Klipsch heritage.  I picked u... 
Digitizing Vinyl; Suggestions Please
I have been experimenting with digitizing vinyl and found a not too pricey solution that I think provides very close to equivalent performance to the original vinyl. I bought an RME ADI-2 Pro AD/DA. I am using Vinylstudio which is pretty reasonabl... 
R.I.P: Rest In Peace Roy Johnson, Green Mountain Audio's Genius
I was saddened to hear the news of Roy's passing.  As everyone who has spoken with Roy as commented, he was very generous with his time and loved to discuss the physics behind why speakers behaved the way they do. I got to know Roy back around 200... 
Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC upgrade to Paua opinions?
I am pretty happy with the MIMC on my SP-10 MKII with Vector Arm...Before this I had a Denon 301 and before that a Benz H20...The MIMC was a very clear step up from those. More dynamic, better at the frequency extremes. More articulate bass...So I... 
Subwoofer suggestions
I suggest the Seaton Submersive HP. Great dual opposing driversub. Goes down to 10Hz.  I have two I use in stereo my mains full range. With the dual drivers you get almost no cabinet vibration that gets transmitted to your floor.http://... 
MQA vs. ripped vs. vinyl vs. hi res
If you check out the CSV file on this Meridan website of the listing of MQA albums you will see the list contains over 11K entries... are some duplicate... 
How about a list of speakers that are time and phase coherent? Thiels and what else?
I have Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3 with the HX crossover..They educated my listening on what phase and time coherence sounds like...They are great ones. 
No high pass filter on sub woofer!
If you are open to a digital crossover these two pro pieces from DBX are very flexible...They have an iOS app so you can make adjustments from your iPad/iPhone. You can choose different crossover slopes, it has a 8 bands of parametric EQ so you ca... 
Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?
Putting the energy consumption issue to the side here is something to consider in terms of component reliability. I have had two sources tell me that electronic component lifetime is related to the number of power cycles (on/off). This came from d... 
Using Maple Butcher Block Under a Turntable
My listening room is up on the second floor so I had to come with a mounting scheme to isolate my turntable (Technics SP10 MKII/ Basis Vector IV arm in Technics Obsidian plinth). I got the large Target wall mount shelf..I removed the standard MDF ... 
Surround Processor Upgrade to improve surround music?
Auxinput,  Thanks for your insight. It seems like moving to the Oppo205 would be a good first step using the analog outputs and then evaluate if that is far enough Shadorne,     I do have a separate preamp and streamer/DAC (Lumin A1) for two chann... 
MQA vs. ripped vs. vinyl vs. hi res
I have started to rip my vinyl to DSD128 via a Korg DS-DAC10-R. My front end is a refurbed Technics SP 10 MkII with Basis Vector arm and Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC through a Tom Tutay tube phono preamp.My streaming front end is a Lumin A-1...So I have... 
How good is the Obsidian plinth of Technics SP10 ?
To Downunder:  The two subs I am using in stereo mode are the Seaton Submersives. They are dual 15" subs with a 3400 watt amp each. They are flat to about 10-14 hz...So they can definitely excite the cartridge/tonearm/table system into feedback wi...